Thursday, June 9, 2016



This was my sole baby food growing up on Maui. :)
If you a new mother this make the best baby food ever. You can mix anything in with the mashed taro and it will take on the flavor of that food.

When buying taro look for nice unblemished nice rounded roots.  If any areas look dark and sunken in it rotten.

Peel with a vegetable peeler.  Watch out the starch make it very slipper, like a water melon see.  Keep that in mind.
Rinse each peel taro under water to remove all hair.  Hold on to it.  ;)

 Cut each root down the middle.

Now I like to cook things in soup broth to add extra flavor, but water is just fine too.
When you use the soup broth do not throw it away. Freeze and you it for soup.
Cook on Medium high until you can pierce it easily with a fork.   It has the same texture as a potato would.   If you feel that they are not done plop them back in and cook a little bit longer.

Another way to look at taro is, it is like Tofu, it takes on the flavor of any thing you add to it.
One of my favorite things to do with it is make Salmon stuff Taro.    If you want to check out that recipe.  In the upper left hand corner of this site is a search box, type it in and check it out.

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