Monday, April 4, 2016


My hubby and I use to go thought a flat of 4 dozen eggs in one month that a whopping 48 eggs and some times even more.  That's an average of  3,360 calories.  And over one year 40,320 calories.  As you may already know eggs are high in cholesterol. Looking back at what we ate on a  daily basis is really eye opening.   What I want to talk about here is the incredible edible egg.   Just because I'm leaving it out of our diet, you might be like no way, I can't live with out it and that's ok.    But if you chose to try the egg-less way it take some getting use to, because it changes the texture of the food.   For instance pancake are not as fluffy, their a tad on the moist side.  I made some Banana Pancakes and I like them, my hubby was fine with them, but like I said it all about the texture. Here is the Recipe if you want to try it for your self.
 NOTE: My hubby and I are not militant.  If a food item we happen to eat already has egg in it were not going to flip out, hence the mayo. Another thing mayo has way less cholesterol than one egg.  (This also depends on the size of the egg and the brand of the mayo).   One egg has 210 mg of cholesterol and 1 tablespoon of mayo has 5.0 mg of Cholesterol.  Sound pretty good to me. 

Banana Pancakes.

2 Very ripe bananas.
1 teaspoon of baking soda.
about 1 cup milk
1 Tablespoon Mayo
1 1/2 cups flour.  (add more flour or less according to the size of the bananas.)

Mash bananas first.  Add baking soda mix in, then add half the flour mix in good.  Add more flour and mix in. The batter should be thick. Now add the milk a little bit at a time and stir in until the batter is smooth, you might want to whisk it good at this point.  (add more milk if necessary).
If you think the batter is too runny add flour a table spoon at a time, or if you think the batter is too thick at milk a table spoon at a time. 
Spray a skillet with nonstick and heat on Medium.  With a small ladle pour a small round in the middle of the skillet and use the bottom of the ladle to make your pancake round, by pushing into the batter and making a circular motion.   When you see bubbles all over the surface of the pancake use a metal spatula and flip the pancake.  Turn down the burner to low if need be so they don't burn and turn back up to medium when neccessary. 
Top with fresh berries, fruit and lightly sprinkle with powder sugar.

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