Wednesday, April 27, 2016



This recipe takes a little elbow grease.  Because you have to dice the pork.   If you don't really want to do that you can buy ground pork, but this way is better.

1 Pork Center Cut Loin Filet.
2 Broccoli stems  (optional)  Or you can use 2 celery sticks.
2 carrots
1/2 cup of shredded coconut
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of pepper
5 garlic cloves
1/2 white onion
2 Tablespoons Honey
2 Tablespoons Olive oil
Cooked White Cobra Beans. 


A little guide to beans:  This process apply to 1 to 40 cups of beans.
1. Purchase beans.  :)     Lentils do not apply here even thought they are a Legume.
2. Spread beans out on a tray, look over for rocks, remove any thing that does not look edible.
3. Wash bean.
4. Put beans in a huge pot and cover with water, make sure beans are really submerged, because they will soak up the water, so use ample water.
5.  Soak over night.  Don't worry about having a timer.
6.  In the morning rinse beans with clean water and put in a cooking pot and cover with water.
6a.  or  rinse bean, drain and store in refrigerator until you can cook them.  1 day max.
7.  Lid off bring to a boil.   Watch beans they create a foam that tends to rise.  To control this Turn it down to medium high. When you can see he beans being agitated by the boiling water turn to low, let cook.
8. Test beans periodically.  The beans should be tender, but not nutty.  When you think their done take a few out and cool them put a tad of salad dressing on them and eat.

When cutting meat, leave it a not solid frozen, but more than slightly frozen, this make is easier to cut.

Meat + Knife = Slice
Slice off small medallions.
Here is just an example of the three different way you can cut the meat if you want.  The one's in the top hand right corner are just the cut meat,  how ever you could use them at that size.
The diced meat at the bottom right hand corner is the method I used.

All sliced up and ready to cook
I had two nice Broccoli heads in the refrigerator with really thick steams.
I love the flavor of stems. So I added them. 

Chopped them off peeled them and diced them up just like the carrots below.

Diced Carrots.
Into the pot and cover.  Spices, meat, veggies and coconut.
Turn to low and cook for 45 minutes to 1 hour if desired.

After 1 hour....yummy and smell so yummy.

Mix with the cooked Cobra Beans and sprinkle with Dill and you got a meal. 
Have fun making it your own.  ;) 

Monday, April 25, 2016



Yes they are evil, because the fact that their so rich.  And their Evil because you are making cookies at the exact same time.   If you don't want to make a whole bunch of turn overs make cookies. And if there is dough left over make tortillas.   This is really a win win recipe.  You can check out my AVOCADO CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES recipe by typing it into the search bar located at the top left hand corner.
I have several versions healthy no healthy, floating around, so look at it and make it your own.  These are just my ideas.

 A small Batch of flour tortilla dough.

2 Cups Flour
2 Teaspoon of Baking Powder mixed in.
7 fluid oz of water/milk. warmed on stove. 

2 Cups flour   About 19 to 20 heaping Tablespoons.
3/4 cups that equals dark brown sugar and white sugar.
2 Tablespoons of butter.
1/2 of a Large Hass Avocado.
1 Teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 bag of Chocolate chips about 12 oz.

Bakers Chocolate shaved.  Shave it as you need it.


Have a rolling pin, a clean cutting board and flour for dredging flour ready.

1. Pour two cups of flour into a medium bowl and mix in 2 teaspoon of baking power.

2. Gently warm milk on stove,  Warm not hot. 

3.  Pour half of the milk/water mixture into the flour and while turning the bowl, cut in with a wooden spoon, add the rest of the milk and keep turning bowl and cutting in.  The dough should not be damp but not wet.

4.  Lightly sprinkle flour over dough and now pick up the edge and fold it over and push down with your knuckles. Turn bowl and repeat as you do this and add light dusting of flour until the dough stops sticking to your fingers.  However it is okay for the doughy to be tacky.

5. Set aside and  rest dough 25 minutes.

Pull a little of the tortilla dough our and make a ball, dredge it in flour.

 Roll out the into a disk, use your hand as a guide.  Sprinkle the bankers chocolate on top of    the dough.
Put a little bit of cookie dough on top of the chocolate.
Just keep in mind your creation is going to be your own, don't worry about being perfect.

Cook on between Med-high and Med.  Turn down if it get too hot or turn off then start again.  Cook until golden on all side.  Hold with metal prongs to make edges golden.

Serve hot and warm.

mmmmmmmmmmm  Enjoy.

Sunday, April 17, 2016



1/2 and a quarter of a large Hass Avocado.
2 Table spoons of butter.
1 Table spoon of Mayo
3/4 cup mixed sugar and brown sugar
1/2 bag or whole bag of White Vanilla Guittard Chips.
1 cup of Coconut.
6 Table spoons of all mixed Tangelo, Lemon & Lime Juice.
Powdered Sugar for icing.  (will be adding to the bottom soon)
3 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
 Icing Recipe below.  (optional evilness)
 After my Pastry knife died, this really work as well.

 Avocado with two tablespoons of butter
 Chop chop chop
 It's very easy to get it to this consistency very fast. Add the Baking powder.
 Add the sugars and mix in.
 Add Mayo.
 Add Coconut. Add chips. 
 My new blender.   Making life a little easier.  
Peel the Tangelo, Lemon.   I like to use the veggie peeler on the lime. Skin in then dice it and add it.
Now remember you don't need a blender to do this part.   Dice up all, but in bowl, and cover with plastic wrap and use a mash it with a potato masher. 
And don't forget to use the left over to make Fresca Drinks.
 Push Button.
 Add 6 tablespoon of juice.
It will be a litte bit watery than normal.

 Mix in one cup flour.
 2nd cup of flour being mixed in.
Third cup.   You should be able to pick up a bunch of dough and when you turn it over it should stay on.   The dough should be tacky.
Use flour to coat your hands to roll. 
 All rolled up
All squished out.  This do not flatten our in the oven.  Not enough butter.  So you have to help them out a little bit.
Cook on 375 to 400.  And watch them. They will not brown like normal chocolate chip cookies. With my oven it works between 15 and 20 mintues.  Your oven my be different, so keep a close eye on them.

My oven died last night  so I still have to cook them. Cookie dough is good for 3 days in the refigerator  and in the freezer 1 month. 

After the cookies are done cooling completley.
2 cup of powdered sugar
The remaining juice. 
1/2 cup coconut

Put sugar in a bowl add the juice one table spoon at a time and mix until you get a thick paste.   Keep adding juice until the paste becomes slightly runny.  Mix in shreaded coconut. 
Have a tray ready with wax paper to place the cookies to dry.
Dip half of each cookie into the icing and let set.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Left over are so good and making cooking just so easy.    This is all the tomato sauce from the Chicken Wrap recipe.   It has every thing in it.  Red bell peppers, garlic, a small piece of chicken.   So here is what I did.
I added a cup and a half frozen black eyed peas, that I had in the freezer.  One table spoon of olive oil and one cup of water.  I'm out of broth and stock.   Cover and turn the burner to medium let cook until it is all thawed and bubbly.

Well the tomato sauce is in their with the five boneless chicken.   I kind of got carried away.
Chopped up some carrots.
Broccoli and Cauliflower
And add another two potatoes diced up.
Then covered back up with my pancake pan and let cook on low for 1 hour.

Dinner never been so easy.   Almost like a quick stew and yes the sauce is in their.

Have fun creating your own  culinary delight.



8 Garlic cloves peeled.
2 or 3 Potatos.
1 16oz can diced tomatoes.
1 8 oz can tomato paste.
2 cups broth or water.
1 teaspoon of each.
A packet of boneless chicken.
1 carrot
1 red bell pepper
1 lime.
Put garlic, tomato paste, diced tomatoes, spices, one cup of broth into a large pan.  Turn on medium high.  And add next cup of broth when it thickens up.

 Peel the carrot with a veggie peeler.
Slice the bell pepper.
And peel some skin off the lime, then cut it into wedges.

Add lime peeling to the tomato sauce.  Make sure as soon as every thing starts to bubble really good turn down to low.
This should cook for the whole time your preparing everything until the food is done.  Stir occassionally.

Lay out the boneless chicken

Cover with a plastic bag.  Make sure the print of the bag does not  touch the meat, it will transfer.

   Next with a meat hammer or a rolling pin gently flatten.  We want to flatten not kill.

Add one lime wedge, red bells and carrots. Like so.


Using a spatula slid them into the tomato sauce, Chop the potatoes and add them here and their pushing them into the sauce.

Hey it's the pan cake pan again.   Double as a lid perfectly.     Let cook like this for 45 to 55 minutes on Low.  

                      YUMMMY!     ENJOY!