Thursday, April 20, 2017


We don't use a lot of sauces on our food like we use to.  We had every thing.   Mayo, Ketsup, mustard, balsamic vinegar.   We axe all that except for Rice Vinegar, Olive oil and Hot garlic chili sauce.   Rice Vinegar has zero calories and add flavor to your meal when cooking.   Well at least I think so.  Cooking with Olive oil is more of a treat than a staple and I use it for making the cream soups, way better flavor than butter.      

So here is a very simple sauce you can add to salads, stir fry's.My hubby likes to add this to his fruit salads. It makes the fruit sweeter.  A little sweet and a little hot.  You decide how sweet or how hot you want it.

2 Tablespoons of Unflavored Rice Vinegar.
1/2 Tablespoon honey
Less than a half of a teaspoon of garlic chili sauce.   

Mix all together.         

That's it.    

Thursday, April 6, 2017


2 Sausages  (freeze the rest)
2 Table spoons rice vinegar.
5 to 6 cups broth or water is fine.
1 white onion
1 apple
1/2 Red bell pepper including lid.
3 garlic cloves
Bunch of clinatro
1 Anaheim pepper
1 Jalapeno pepper
1 Table spoon curry
2 Table spoons flour

First put the frozen broth in a pot and thaw it out.  If not add 6 cups of water to a pot and turn it to Medium High.
 Add uncooked sausage to soup broth.   Bring to a boil and then let simmer with the lid off.
 Peel onion and cut it up so it make rainbows.
 Sausage cooking away.
NOTE: Do not throw away broth, it can still be used.
 Mince the best you can.

 Slice and dice as show below.

 Add rice vinegar too pan with garlic, cilantro, onions and hot peppers.
 Opps almost for got the red bell.
 Add to pan and turn on high.
 Removed fully cooked sausage.  See how the ends on the top one is open.  That a clue that it's done all the way though.
 Saute all the veggies until the onions are translucent.
 Add to lade fulls of broth too sauteed veggies.
 Add one tablespoon curry and two table spoons flour mix in good.  The flour will soak up the liquid.   Add one more if necessary.
 Core and dice apple. This is added when you add the sausage.  Dice up sausage too. 

 Add apple
 Add dices sausage.
Mix in and let cook for a bit longer until the apples are cooked on the out side but still crunchy. 

You can serve this over white rice, brown rice or add noodles.    We had it just as it. 

Have left over (we do).  You can use it for soup, or use it for Fajitas.   Tomorrow were going use it for Fajitas.   Yum.



Thought it would be fun to show you what I buy when I shop for food.    

 Here is the list.
1. Spaghetti squash
3. Red bell peppers
3. Green bell peppers.
2. Herbs Taragon & Sage.
4 White onions
1 Cilantro
4 garlic bulbs.
4 Mexican squash.
2 Yams.
1 Bock Choy Large.
Straw Berries
1 Asparagus
5 Jalapeno
2 Anaheim peppers
2 Broccoli heads.

2 Chicken flats of chicken thighs.
3 small ground turkey
1 flat of drum sticks.
1 Turkey sausage.
3 small flats of boneless chicken. 
1 box of Golden raisins
1 box of regular raisins
1 can black beans
2 cans Garbanzo beans
4 cans tomato paste
1 Rice vinegar
1 Clam Juice
2 Chocolate chip bags. 
4 Cliff bars.
2 spices.  Tarragon & Curry
2 Seaweed snacks
3 Low sodium Taco Seasonings.
Lot's of spices.  3 each of  Cinnamon, Cumin,
1 small garlic chili hot sauce.
2 cans of clams.
1 Seaweed packet for sushi.

 No we don't eat cat.  I thought I add these in because Mrs Fiona was inspecting every thing LOL. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


 Cheated a little tonight hubby had bought some wheat tortillas.    So here we go.

2 Table spoons of Rice Vinegar
2 Table spoons honey
Left over soup chicken
2 Mexican Squashes.
Tortillas homemade store bought.
3 garlic cloves.
1 lime
Slices of cheese.
 Hot Garlic Chili Sauce  optional.
1 Avocado

Take out the chicken and with a sharp knife chop it up no rhyme or reason, do the best you can.
 Chopped chicken.  Now it's up to you how much you want to use.  I used 1 3/4 cup.  
 If you still have more here is what I do.   Put it in a freezer container and fill it with water or broth, this will prevent freezer burn.    Then when you want to use the chicken take it out of the freezer and let it thaw a day in the refrigerator or fill up a pot cover it with water and put on medium high, then strain off water.   Now if it is broth you want to keep the broth not throw it out.   Put the frozen broth in a pot with about 1/2 cup water, this will not effect the flavor, turn to medium low and put the lid on. Check and turn often until all the meat is thawed out.   either make a soup or refreeze broth. Your choice. 
 Chop garlic and add rice vinegar to pan, turn to medium low and stir until you smell the strong smell of the vinegar, turn burner off.
 Use a veggie peeler on the squash.  Peel away.
 Lot's of peel.
 Add the peeled squash to pan with honey.
 Slice up a lime as thin as possible and take each lime and squeeze into the pan with  squash, and throw the limes in after their squeezed. 
 Add the chicken to the mixture, now turn on the burner to Medium   High and use a metal prongs to metal tongs to mix and move the veggies.  All you are doing is cooking the veggies that it.  And they cook fast so watch them.
 Cooked down veggies.   Remove the limes. 
 I use the veggie peeler to slice the cheese.  3 very thin slices.    CHEEEEEESE!!!!

Hot chili garlic sauce is optional

Avocado is a must.

Add a helping of veggies and meat. 


When flipping the tortilla, make sure the opening is facing the metal spatula.   And do it slowly, using your other hand to help it. 


Monday, April 3, 2017


 Yes fast food.  Why because the shrimp was precooked and the most of the veggies were already chopped.  All I did was dice the celery and onion.    So this was a really fast meal.
Note:  2 to 3 table spoons of orange fruit gravy would have gone really good mix into this, but I didn't have any made up.  :(    So if you want to add soy sauce or any other condiment to top this off.   

2 cups precooked small shrimp
3 oz wild rice.  ( I had some left over from another meal)
Chuka Soba Noddles.   To see how to cook them type this in the search bar.   BASIC:  CHUKA SOBA NOODLES.
3 celery stalks any size.
1/4 while onion diced.
2 Avocados diced in skin.
2 cups of Broccoli slaw.

Note: This is not 3 oz.   Put you wild rice in a pot with 3 cups of water, bring to a steady boil than turn down to low.   Wild rice cook ver differently from other rices it does not soak up all the water, so when it is done you'll have to strain off the water.  Let the rice simmer on low for 20 minutes.    Wild rice has a extremely nutty texture.

How to cook the noodles is above in recipe ingredients.

Onion and Celery.


Slice and Dice and put in bowl.

Next up dice the onion add to bowl.
Shrimp already cooked. Add to bowl.
Pit Avocados and dice right in the skins then add to bowl, by using a spoon to scoop out into the bowl. 

Add to cups to a pan with either a bit of water or soup broth turn burner on high and saute till tender.   This will cook fast.

Be sure to cool the noodles, drain and add them to the bowl.  Mix all together and dig in.  

Yummy and quick.