Friday, September 30, 2016


I love spaghetti squash, but I do not like scrapping it out of the husk, so here is what I do so none of the yummy squash is wasted.
First Acquire your squash.
 Next cut the top off.    I have always found it highly difficult to cut it in half with the hard skin on so....
 Peel off all the skin. Make sure your peeler is sharp.  And don't forget to take the bottom off to.
Now cut it in half, super easy.
 Choose your weapon.
Left Avocado slicer and seeder, but I have found this device better for scraping pumpkins and squash.  The yellow part.

Middle Ice cream scoop....???   I found it in my draw, we don't eat ice cream...well we have it out and about every 8 to 9 month (I keep track of this stuff).  I got a box from a distant aunt who passed a while back, so that's were it's from.  But it works and does the job.

Good old spoon, just make sure it's heavy duty and use it to scrape.
Cut in to halves and halved again.  Now I even halved it one more time to make it fit in to the steamer basket.  Turn the burner to high and put the lid on.
 So you can see the piece are even smaller in the steamer basket.  Make sure the water does not boil off.

 Ok They are done.   Now spaghetti squash has a very nutty and crunch texture when done.  To know it truly done, use to fork and pull in opposite directions until it looks like it's name sake below.   However if it is not done and dose not pull apart very easily put it back into the steamer basket and steam some more on high.

My Next post will involve a recipe using this squash.

Disclaimer:  Squashe's were harmed in the making of this video, they were also eaten.  They provided to be very tasty.  ;)

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