Sunday, May 8, 2016



What ever culture you're from not only are you raised to like certain flavors and tastes, you are also raised to view your food in a certain light, because it's all you know.   You might look at a hamburger and get grossed out, but consider tripe to be very yummy and pleasing or visa versa. 

We live in a world surrounded by food, weather it's an out door market or a large supermarket.  And when we shop we shop with our eyes, nose and fingers.  Squeezing, smelling, and judging our prey.  
Some people pass up very good tasting food, because it dose not look good. When in fact it's awesome.    

Bananas are a great example of this.   So many people reject the bananas with the dark spot, oh that bad.  No it's not it's excellent.  For baking and making pancakes or what not.

Heirloom tomatoes are another great example they look awful and misshapen and weird again their awesome.   

Apples off the tree don't shine and they look ill, but once you try it your hooked.  
We have a small grove, small like 9 trees.   Which we shared with a group of deer.  One year we had 2 drunk deer and 1 drunk buck they had eaten the fermented apples.  See even the deer know. ;)

 If you go back far enough in our food history books and presented all the food to the current population, no one would eat it. It looks that different.  For instance Crap apples the mother of all apples looks like a cherry and taste some what like a very, very mild apple.  

Humans are highly visual and we want to see what our food looks like before we eat it. There are thousand upon thousand of food pictures uploaded to site's on the internet.  Some we look at and go eww others make up gain a few pounds and we can smell it, even though it's all in our head. 

But here is something to chew on.   Some times the best looking pictures of food are the blandest not flavorful at all and the food that looks really yucky and unappetizing is actually more flavorful.    Lot's or curries, and stew don't look so hot when photographed, but in reality they got tons of flavor. 

So when your viewing your culinary delights don't judge it on the visual, but try the recipe and judge it on the flavor.  

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