Wednesday, June 3, 2015


STUFF CHICKEN THIGHS                 Sigh how I miss my BBQ.  One day I'll get it back!

I have to add unfortunately the skin dose not get as crispy in the oven as it dose on the BBQ. :(    
But by all means if you think 325 is not the right temp...turn it up to 350.    Remeber you are in contorl of what you cook.    

Note: By all means BBQ it you can! It make the chicken skin really cruchie and flavoriful.   

My hubby love this recipe because the skin is crunchy and the meat is so juicy and yummy.   This is a great recipe for a picnic with cole slaw or german potato salad.  I think I just gained a few pounds talking about this. This is a recipe I created, because I love to marinade things.  This allows the meat to marinade as it cooks taking on all the flavors.   Ok on with the show!


1 Flat of chicken thighs, completely thawed.
1 Whole head of garlic.   
1 Whole leamon cut in to thin wedges.  (Optional)  
 S * P * I * C * E * S   &   H * E * R * B * S
Mix and Match or add a new one.    
A tea spoon of each spice or a good pinch of herbs.   
Sage minced
Cilantro minced
Black or White Pepper.


NOTE: When handling raw meat.  'WASH YOUR HANDS!" Before and after.  And make sure to wash what ever the meat touches!   

Mix all the dry spices together and mince all the herbs and add to the dry spice.   Peel the garlic until you have one whole garlic piece per chicken or two small piece per chicken depending on their size.
Slice your lemon if your going to use it.   Cut the slice in half so it fits in with the garlic.
{Have a glass dish or plate ready to put the chicken in once it is stuffed.}

Open the package of chicken and stick your nose really close to it and take a big huge sniff.  Meat of any type should have a nice clean smell.  Use a fork to flip a couple of peices smell again.   If you detect any kind of smell that smells off, musty or make your eyes roll. Toss it out.

 -------------------------------------------SAFTY IS PARAMOUNT--------------------------------------------

Take the meat out of the package and put on a big plate or platter.  Take some paper towl and pat each piece dry as best you can.
Now stick your finger under the skin and creat a pocket.   Each piece of meat is different some work some don't.  With the ones that don't have enough skin I just season them and cook them up.
Once you have created a pocket in each piece of chicken one by one open the pocket up and add one teapoon of seasoning and stuff in your garlic piece and half wedge of lemon.    Continue until all the Chicken is stuffed.   WASH YOUR HANDS WHEN YOU ARE DONE!

If you are going to use the oven, use a broiler pan.  With metal tongs set all the meat on the pan and put in the oven on 325 and cook for 45 mintues to an 1 hour.  
*When checking for doneness always check the biggest piece of chicken.   Remove it with tongs and place on a plate that is slightly at an angle.  Let it be for about three mintues. If the juice run clear, every thing is done.   If not let it cook longer.   If the chicken piece are really big you might cook 30 minutes longer.   If their small 45 minutes is fine.

FOR THE BBQ:       ------------------------> Gas grill turn to med.
BBQing is really complicated so I'm just going to give a rough explination.
1. Pile the brickets in a pyrimid.
2. Use lighter fluid so ignite.  Be carful.
3. Let brickets burn for 30 to an 1 hour.  (Depending on how many use used)
4.  Thing of the BBQ as a dart board. The middle is high, the second outer ring is med and the third outer ring is low.
 Low: you can hold your hand about a inch above the grill surface.
Med: you can hold your hand about 3 inches above the grill surface.
High:  Your hand is high above the grill.  
This is a approximation, each grill will be different.

Place the chicken with the metal prongs in and around medium part of the grill.  You don't have to be exacting.  Put the lid down or on.   Open the vents a bit.
Please find some video's on BBQ if you are unsure.   BBQing is one of these thing you have to watch to understand.   But it is so worth it.  
Cook the chicken for 45 to 55 mintues.  Or until the skin is nice and crips.  Check the meat the same way as above.

Throw away the knife and fork and dig in. :)    And don't forget to Eat the Garlic. YUM!

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