Monday, June 1, 2015



Why Brown Sugar Syrup?   Because it's only 17 calories per teaspoon and maple Syrup is 52 calories per teaspoon.   I love mayple syrup, but maple syrup loves my thighs, so the next best thing is brown surgar syrup which taste really good and is so easy to make and won't cost you an arm and a leg.  The average cost of Maple syrup is about $8.00 to & $15.00 depending the grade and area you buy it in.  The average coast of Brown Sugar in a box is $0.88.  You will be saving money.    And hey come on I'm not trying to be a sour puss with the Maple syrup.  If your going to have it, save it for a very special occation as a treat, rather than a staple.

Note: The less water you use the thicker it will be.  The more water you use the runnier it will be.  Find your happy medium.  :)


1 Cup of Brown sugar.  Light of Dark will work.
5 Table spoons of water

Put in a small pan and bring to a boil and stir.   As soon as it boils turn off.
Use right away or cool and refigerate and use later.

Adding one Table spoon of syrup per pancake  equals  51 calories.   That better than the same amount of maple syrup that is 156 calories.  

So go out their and make some Pan Cakes.  :)

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