Saturday, August 6, 2016


Home made Horchata is so simple and easy to make you can do it with your eyes closed. 
It adds a very mild and smooth flavor to ice coffee.  I will have a provide more picture soon.   
Now you are going to need a blender for this one, :(   Standing over a bowl and smashing rice grain to simthereens in water is not going to work.    

You are going to need a very fine sieve to strain the liquid from rice particles. 

This make exactly two servings.

2 Table spoons white rice.  
1/2 water for every 2 tablespoons of rice.
2 Table spoons sugar. 

(To make more just double or triple the recipe.)

Place rice and water together in bowl let sit for one hour.  After the hour is up pour all into a blender and blend for 1 minutes.  Then use sieve to strain. 

1. You can use right away.  Or if you want even more depth of flavor let set our a room temp for 2 hours then strain thought a sieve.   

Please ignore the sweet milk.
Add three tablespoons of your favorite coffee in a coffee filter.  And pour hot boiling water over it till the glass is full.             
Then put in a ice bath to cool it down really fast.  As soon as it is cool.  As soon as your coffee is cool you can add your Horchata to it.


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