Monday, December 14, 2015



Oh but deep frying makes things taste oh so good, RIGHT?   WRONG!    When you are deep frying things you are loading on the calories double time.  Just for a recap.
Bacon Fat cooked   115 calories in 1 tablespoon of Lard.   (From Google)
4g of grease of any kind = 38 calories.   (Google)
And that just the bear minimum.  
This is just my best guess.   But from what I looked at the average single person can consume over 50,000 calories of grease in on month.  YEOWCH!!!!   I have done my own calculations and we don't even eat out on a regular bases.  If we did I think that number could sore to 100,000 easily.  My little test is not scientific proven.  

Well ( I did like) deep frying things as you can see with some of my videos.  I have altogether stop buying peanut oil.  That was the main oil I would buy. And that frees up $5.00 from my grocery bill.   Little things do add up in the long run.   What I have been doing is just coating the pan with Toasted Seasame Seed oil very lightly.  If the recipe requires me to submerge it, I won't eat it.    I'm trying to stick with things that don't have to be submerged.  That hard to do. It make you really think about what you can or can't do.    I recently made Yam balls to replace the meat balls in spaghetti.  And that was a WIN.  They are very light and golden in color and the flavor with the Seasame seed oil was great.    And another WIN is the item will not be dripping in oil and have to be drained off, with grease still clinging to the food item.   Even when you pat dry a deep fried item the grease still absorbs into the food item. 

The point is the more calories you can cut out the more pounds you will lose.   

Toasted Seasame seed oil: 40 calories per teaspoon.   Oil regardless is going to have calories, what you need to do if your going to try this method is to find a oil that work for you.   And cutting back on grease of any kind is a good thing.
The reason I use Toasted Seasame seed oil is that I like the flavor of it.  


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