Sunday, August 3, 2014


The KITCHEN (Epic music of your choice goes here). Everyone has one and every body has a love hate relationship with it. It's like having your own personal dragon that you have to slay each night. Well I'm here to teach you how to tame your kitchen dragon and learn to enjoy the ups and downs of you daily adventures.

First of all it's all about attitude. If you make it a chore it will become a chore. If you make into a daily fun workout session, it will become something entirely different than the daily grind. And it's also about team work with your husband, children, wife, partner or who ever. The dragon might snarl and growl at first, but as soon as he or she sees how much fun your having, by no time it will be eating out of your hand and wanting a good head scratch.

People make up games for everything, so why not move that into the kitchen. Yeah okay, you might be turning you head sideways at me and saying huh? But seriously the more fun things are the less of a chore they become. And yes there will be those days, I have them too were the Dragon seems to be winning, but we make the best of it and move forward with a positive attitude.

And here is the most awesome part of it you'll burn calories while doing it. One hour of being in the kitchen cooking or cleaning is equivalent to 225 calories burned, but take in to consideration your height, and weight. But hey every little bit counts right! So get in the kitchen and shake your booty.

Whether it's washing dishes or cooking a meal you're constantly moving around. You're lifting your arms up to put dishes away, your squatting down to look for pots and pans and you are walking around back and forth for stuff. It's all exercising. And if you can lean how to make this into a daily routine, you'll be on your way to a happier and healthier relationship with your tamed dragon.

Make your own wackiness your own.
Think about what your doing and turn each movement into a work out and start out easy.
I also recommend that you look up exercise that are similar to what your doing. Be a smart and safe so you don't hurt your self.

Here is some key ingredients to have fun cleaning in the kitchen while your working out:

  1. Good pair of shoes.
  2. Music of your Choice. Turned up. And be sure you belting out those notes.
  3. Use soup cans instead of weights.
  4. It's okay to dance around to the music and use the wood spoon as a microphone.
  5. When putting dishes away that are high, lift your self up on your toes and do two to three time.
  6. If your squatting down, do it two or more times.
  7. If you have a larger kitchen do a lap.
  8. March step while you do dishes. ;) This is tricky, but it can be done.
  9. If you have a step stool. Only use the bottom step to step up and down and up and down.
  10. Have Fun and be safe.

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