Monday, June 30, 2014


 These very delightful scones are excellent for a breakfast side, with a cup of hot coffee or tea.  I like to make them when Tangerines are in season, even if there is tangerines available at the store.  This way I only make them once a year and they are truly a yummy treat and not just something I can have on a daily basis.  

5 Tablespoons of fresh Tangerine juice or substitute with fresh squeezed Orange Juice and a little extra for icing.
2 Cup's of flour
1 Tablespoon of Baking Powder (Baking Soda can not be used in this recipe) 
1/2  Cup of Sugar
4 or 5 Tablespoons of Powdered sugar for icing.
1 egg
1 stick of butter diced and chilled in the freezer
1/4 cup condensed milk or 1/4 cup milk or both mixed to make up 1/4 cup. Your choice.
1 cookie tray sprayed with Pam or rubbed with butter  Butter is better. :)


BAKING TEMP: 425 Degrees.  Bake for 12 minutes until Golden brown.  
Always keep an eye on what your baking.  


 Put all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Then add cold butter to dry mixture. Then with your fingers or with a pastry knife cut in or squish in butter until it is all incorporated well. It should look like very fine bread crumbs.
Note: Using a food processor will affect the texture of the scones.

Break egg in bowl, add condensed milk or milk mixture of your choice to egg mixture.  Then juice your Tangerines or Oranges and add to egg mixture. Mix all well and add to dry ingredients.  Talk a wooden spoon and mix wet into dry.

Once you get a really rough dough that starts to make a ball.  Flour your cutting board and dump out the dough on the cutting board. Note: It's ok for it to be very crumbly.  Act like your compacting a snow ball or press the dough down into the crumbs and turn and compact the ball until you have as much of the crumbs picked up.  It is totally okay if you have a pile of crumbs left over on the side. If there is any big piece, pick them up and push them into the dough.

Wipe any excess flour from the board and set your dough ball down. Then take your finger tip and press the dough down and start to press it into a square that is thumb to pinkey wide and thumb to pinky in length. Gently press it into a square the best you can. And if it shrinks press it out again and measure it with your fingers.  When finished your dough should have a square shape and be ready to cut. 

1. SMALL SCONES: Take your knife and cut the square shape in half right down the middle.  Next cut the dough in half length wise.  Now you have four big squares. Repeat the same halving methods to make even smaller squares. Now take your knife and cut those squares into X's.  This way you will create four little scones.

2. BIG SCONES: Take your knife and cut the square shape in half right down the middle. Next cut the dough in half length wise. Now from the middle like cutting a pizza cut those pieces in half. You should have 8 pieces.
Place on baking tray and bake.

The scones should be nice and golden brown, but take caution they will be soft. Use a flat metal spatula to scoop them up and put them on the cookie wrack and rest for 15 minutes. They will harden up.

Wait till the scones are cooled.  And if possible place paper towel under the cookie rack, the icing will drip off.  Pour a little bit of the Tangerine juice into the powdered sugar and mix until you have a thick paste.  Add a little more juice until you have a consistency that is not too runny, but thick enough to stay put on top of the scone. Use a brush or spoon to equally spread over scone.  If you want a thicker layer let the first layer harden then add another and so on.

If you want to make these up and bake them later here is what you do.
1. Cut them to the size you want.
2. Place each one on plastic wrap and wrap up.
3. Place back on the cookie tray.
4. Cover cookie tray with foil.
5. Stick in freezer.
6. When their rock hard, move them to a freezer container.
Then when you want to use them take them out unwrap them and let them thaw for a hour dust in a little flour and bake.

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