Sunday, June 22, 2014


                                                        ALL ABOUT BROTH & STOCK                             
When you learn to make simple broth or stock at home you open the door to the simple pleasures of cooking that evokes wonderful memories.  Broth and Stock are the gate keepers to good home cooking, if you can master these two things, you well on your way to making memorable meals you and your loved ones will soon not forget.
Here are some of the wonderful things you can do with either broth or stock. 
1. Cook your rice with it.
2. Use is to make home made gravy.
3. When cooking ground meat, add a 1/2 cup of either broth of stock to cooking meat, so it does not dry out or burn.
4. You can use it to cook veggies in like carrots and broccoli. They add more flavor to the broth. When the veggies are done keep the broth cool it and freeze it for another use. 
5. Instead of water add soup broth of stock to home made beans or canned refried bean, to cook them in.  

I always try to have at least 10 cups of fresh broth in the freezer ready for anything that I might what to make.  This will last my husband and I about two weeks.  Stock is not as easy to have all the time, so when I make it I use it for special things I want to make.  One of my specialty's is Cilantro and Garlic Shrimp Soup with Stock.  


Broth is make from any parts of the chicken, beef or pork. The broth is clear and very flavorful.  Unlike stocks they do not turn to gelatin when cooled, they remain in a liquid state.  Broths are a lot easier and take an hour to a hour and a half to complete.  
Extra tips about broth. After you chopped up the veggies you can saute them to a golden brown before adding the chicken and water for extra flavor.

Stocks are made from the bones of chickens, beef bones or pork bones. The stock has a richer and deeper in flavor and when cooled have a gelatin consistency.  The thicker the gelatin the better the stock.  Stocks can take from 5 to 7 hours.  The longer you let it simmer the better the flavor and taste.  It is better to make a large batch f

Extra tips about stocks. If you want to you can brown the bones in the oven 45 mintues on each side & saute the veggies until they are browned.  For extra flavor. 

Do  not hesitate to combine whatever you have.  If you have a some chicken bones and beef bones,  toss it in for stock. The same with broth. let say you have two pieces of chicken and some pork toss them into the pot for broth.  The resulting mingled  flavors are awesomeness.

1. After your Broth is done take out the meat to cool and keep meat ,carrots, celery, and garlic. After you remove the chicken meat of the bone, KEEP THE BONES and freeze.  Very hot broth can sit out 1 hour to cool and not longer. To cool faster make a ice bath by putting ice cubes in a large bowl, set a smaller bowl in size, but make sure it does not spill or tip over.  Pour hot broth into smaller pan, this way it will cool faster.

2. After you Stock is done save the stock every thing else will be toss out even the bones. Be very careful, because the stock with be very, very hot. Like the broth it cools the same way and you can leave it cool for a 1 hour if you are not going to use a ice bath.  

Stockes or Broth can be left in the refigerator for about 3 days, if you refigerator is set to the propor tempurtuer.  One the third day you must freeze the soup.

 For a small pot. If you can easily fit four piece of chicken, chopped onion, carrots, celery, and other fixings and still be covered with water.  And you can put a lid on it.  with a inch to spare that is OK.   And of course the bigger the pot the easier.   Just play around and see what work best for you. 

And keep in mind the smaller the batch the less veggies you use and half the spices.  

SPICES & HERBS  This is up to your taste. Big batch use a teaspoon. Small batch use a 1/2 of a Teaspoon.  The more spices and herbs the merrier.  I my self like to add about 5 to 6 spices and three to four herbs.  I like  Black Pepper, Thyme, Cumin, Cinnamon, and Turmeric.   Two  to three Sage leaves, Two to three Basil leaves, A pinch of  Rosemary or a Teaspoon, and a handful Cilantro leaves for herbs.   And it is totally ok, not to add any. 

COOKING METHODS FOR STOCK AND BROTH.  This is the same for both. Bring to a boil and then turn down to low and simmer for a hour for broth and 5 to 7 for stocks.


     3 Carrots.  Peel and chop in half, toss in pot.
     3 Celery      Chop, toss in pot.
     1 Sweet Onion or your choice.  Peel and chop and toss in pot.
     1 Whole Garlic  Cut off top and toss in.
     1 Teaspoon each of your choice of spices and herbs.
      1  A flat of chicken, A whole fryer, your choice. Put in pot
     Fill with water until the chicken is submerged.  Bring to boil with the lid on, then as soon as it does turn down to low and simmer for a hour.

1a.  Add a little olive oil to the bottom of the stock pot add chopped onion and garlic and chopped celery and if you want chopped carrots. Saute them  med until the carrots are slightly brown.  Add every thing else. Follow rest of recipe.

2. Stock 
   Add veggies first before you add the bones on top. If you have to push the bones down with your hands.
   Lot's of bones enough to fill up your pot all the way to the top.
   1 Onion. Chopped finely, toss in pot.
   3 Carrots Chopped coarsely, toss in pot.
   3 Celery stalks Chopped Coarsely, toss in pot.
   1 Whole garlic Clove.
   1 Teaspoon each of your choice of spices and herbs.
   Cover the bones with water, leave an inch at the top. Bring to a Boil with the Lid on, then as soon as it boils turn it down to low and simmer 5 to 7 hours.
2a.  Put Thawed bones on roasting rack, spread out evenly. Roast for 45 minutes.and turn bones with tongs in between roasting. Carefully add bone to stock pot. Follow rest of recipe.

Note: Always keep an eye on what you are cooking.  If the stock leaks over the edge too much  take the lid off and turn up to Med low and as soon as the water level drops, put the lid back on.


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