Monday, June 30, 2014


 These very delightful scones are excellent for a breakfast side, with a cup of hot coffee or tea.  I like to make them when Tangerines are in season, even if there is tangerines available at the store.  This way I only make them once a year and they are truly a yummy treat and not just something I can have on a daily basis.  

5 Tablespoons of fresh Tangerine juice or substitute with fresh squeezed Orange Juice and a little extra for icing.
2 Cup's of flour
1 Tablespoon of Baking Powder (Baking Soda can not be used in this recipe) 
1/2  Cup of Sugar
4 or 5 Tablespoons of Powdered sugar for icing.
1 egg
1 stick of butter diced and chilled in the freezer
1/4 cup condensed milk or 1/4 cup milk or both mixed to make up 1/4 cup. Your choice.
1 cookie tray sprayed with Pam or rubbed with butter  Butter is better. :)


BAKING TEMP: 425 Degrees.  Bake for 12 minutes until Golden brown.  
Always keep an eye on what your baking.  


 Put all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Then add cold butter to dry mixture. Then with your fingers or with a pastry knife cut in or squish in butter until it is all incorporated well. It should look like very fine bread crumbs.
Note: Using a food processor will affect the texture of the scones.

Break egg in bowl, add condensed milk or milk mixture of your choice to egg mixture.  Then juice your Tangerines or Oranges and add to egg mixture. Mix all well and add to dry ingredients.  Talk a wooden spoon and mix wet into dry.

Once you get a really rough dough that starts to make a ball.  Flour your cutting board and dump out the dough on the cutting board. Note: It's ok for it to be very crumbly.  Act like your compacting a snow ball or press the dough down into the crumbs and turn and compact the ball until you have as much of the crumbs picked up.  It is totally okay if you have a pile of crumbs left over on the side. If there is any big piece, pick them up and push them into the dough.

Wipe any excess flour from the board and set your dough ball down. Then take your finger tip and press the dough down and start to press it into a square that is thumb to pinkey wide and thumb to pinky in length. Gently press it into a square the best you can. And if it shrinks press it out again and measure it with your fingers.  When finished your dough should have a square shape and be ready to cut. 

1. SMALL SCONES: Take your knife and cut the square shape in half right down the middle.  Next cut the dough in half length wise.  Now you have four big squares. Repeat the same halving methods to make even smaller squares. Now take your knife and cut those squares into X's.  This way you will create four little scones.

2. BIG SCONES: Take your knife and cut the square shape in half right down the middle. Next cut the dough in half length wise. Now from the middle like cutting a pizza cut those pieces in half. You should have 8 pieces.
Place on baking tray and bake.

The scones should be nice and golden brown, but take caution they will be soft. Use a flat metal spatula to scoop them up and put them on the cookie wrack and rest for 15 minutes. They will harden up.

Wait till the scones are cooled.  And if possible place paper towel under the cookie rack, the icing will drip off.  Pour a little bit of the Tangerine juice into the powdered sugar and mix until you have a thick paste.  Add a little more juice until you have a consistency that is not too runny, but thick enough to stay put on top of the scone. Use a brush or spoon to equally spread over scone.  If you want a thicker layer let the first layer harden then add another and so on.

If you want to make these up and bake them later here is what you do.
1. Cut them to the size you want.
2. Place each one on plastic wrap and wrap up.
3. Place back on the cookie tray.
4. Cover cookie tray with foil.
5. Stick in freezer.
6. When their rock hard, move them to a freezer container.
Then when you want to use them take them out unwrap them and let them thaw for a hour dust in a little flour and bake.

Friday, June 27, 2014



These are my favorite healthy treat. Yeah their fried, but their oh so yummy and flavorful.  And great for dipping in your favorite sauce. I like to dip mine in sweet and hot chili sauce or hot Chinese mustard and mayonnaise mix together. And they make great appetizers. And they make a great side for eggs and fruit with breakfast.

1 Whole Yam or Sweet Potato. Peeled cut into disk and cut in quarters like a pizza that servers four.
3 Tablespoons chopped tomato. Make sure the tomato is seeded and all possible liquid is removed.
1 egg. Any size.                    A bunch of Oregano chopped
1 Tablespoon onion.              1 Garlic chopped.
3 Sage leaves.                       Peanut Oil for frying.
                                                          Flour for dredging
When making Yam or Sweet potato balls. Be sure to try to make it all at the same time. If you put the mixture in the refrigerator condensation occurs and will make it even harder to work with.

You will need a cookie pan that is lightly dusted in flour to place the balls on.  

Peel and chop Yam or Sweet Potato. Stream in steaming basket or boil in water. Until you can take a piece out and easily pierce it with a knife. Tip always check a biggest piece first.  When the potatoes are done cooking, put them in a bowl and if you boil them, set the water aside to cool. Never pour boiling water down the drain, it will melt the pipes.  Smash the potatoes with a potato smasher very well.

Next take all of the chopped tomato, onion, garlic, Oregano and Sage.  Crack egg and break yolk add about two to three table spoons. Mix.   If you feel that the mixture is to wet it is perfectly fine to add one or two table spoon of flour to mix in.  Yes your finger are going to get messy and yes you are going to be saying to your self what have I gotten my self into. Believe me I had the same thoughts. But I don't give up that easily and I want you to, to have the confidence that you can do it to. Anything worth while takes practice.

After you done mixing it really well.  Get a bowl with some flour in it for dredging you hand in. This way the mixture is less like to stick to your hands.   Take a Tablespoon and scoop up some potato mixture and plop it in your floured palm, if you have to dig it out.  Do not roll it between your palms. Take the mixture and roll it back and forth between your hands. It will form a ball on it's own. And do not worry about it being perfect. Line the ball up on the cookie try.

Now if you still having problems shaping them in to balls. Do the next best thing and make patties. This is okay.

FIFTH: FRYING   Have a plate with paper towel on it ready to put the balls on.                           Work in batches of five to six to control them easier. Cover the bottom of a frying pan with a very light coating of oil about four tablespoons of oil.  Turn the burner to MED-HIGH.  Now keep in mind you can turn the burner down to a lower setting if you feel that they are turning to brown to quickly. Then back up if not cooking at all.   Watch your food and use your own judgement. Turn the balls and make sure they are all evenly golden brown.  Some dark spot are ok.

Have a freezer container ready. After you have shaped them into balls or patties. Dust them in flour and wrap each individual ball or patty in plastic wrap, like you would a candy. Then wrap that in foil for extra protection. Line them up on a cookie try and stick in freezer ,when completely frozen then you can stack them.

Take your batch of yam balls out of the freezer and unwrap them.  Lightly dust them in flour and let then thaw for a hour or less.  Check them You'll be able to tell.   When their done thawing dust them one more time and fry.

EIGHTH:  ENJOY nom nom nom


Monday, June 23, 2014


Don't let the name fool you, because these are not the pancakes your grand ma ma made.  These little envelopes of yumminess are very versatile and are excellent for left overs, breakfast, desserst, or dinner. It is up to you what you  fill them with.  These are also great to make ahead of time and have in the freezer waiting for what ever quick meal idea jumps into your head.   Here are some yummy things you can put in them.
1. Sauteed Apples and cinnamon.
2. Scrambled Eggs with cheese.
3. Left Over Dirty Rice. 
4. Left over  Meat Balls from the Spaghetti and even the noodles with sauce.  My hubby likes this one.
5. Tuna salad.  
6. Chicken Stir fry.
7.  Left over meat dish.  
Basically if it sounds good put it in. 


2 Cups of All purpose Flour.
1 Cup of Boiling Water with two Tablespoons extra.
Toasted Sesame Seed oil or any oil with do. But the Toasted Sesame oil really adds flavor.
Put flour in a mixing bowl and bring water to a good boil. Add the boiling water to flour a little at a time. Do not use your hands to mix, but rather use the back of a spoon to incorporate water and flour. Add some more water and mix in. If there is some water left over that is fine.  A rough dough should form. The dough should not be dry, but moist and not to wet.  If the dough is wet add more flour.  Touch with your finger to see if it has cooled down enough to touch.  If it has knead the dough and cover to rest for about 20 minutes, however resting the dough is optional.

Take your dough ball and cut it in half and cut again to make four equal pieces.  Leave one out and put the rest in a covered bowl.  Take your dough piece and think of making a snake. Roll it out on a floured surface until it has the thickness of two of your fingers or a little bigger and is about 11 to 12 inches long. This is not mandatory, if yours come out shorter it's okay.  Next cut the rope into about 1 1/2 inches pieces.   About the length of the end of your finger to the  knuckle.  Take each piece and squish it by the ends into a small disk, do this with the rest.  Flour the cutting surface if need be.  The dough might be a little tacky so keep flour near by for dredging.
Note:  If your little round is too small add more dough to it. Too big take away some dough. If you make a blooper mash it up and redo it.

Preheat a pan on the stove top on low for 4 minutes.
Also have a plate covered with a plastic bag ready to keep the Mandarin Pancakes warm.
Take the rounds and place two side by side that look equal in size or stack them on top of each other.
First take one and roll it out into a two in disk. Dredge with flour when needed. Take the second round and do the exact same thing. Put one drop of Sesame Seed oil on one two inch round. Take your finger and rub the oil all over the 2 inch round until it is covered completely with oil.  Place the other 2 inch round on top of the round with oil. So now you have one on top of the other.   Take your fingers and press them together gently before rolling it. This keeps it from slipping.  Now roll it into about a 4 inch disk.  Very carefully lift it up and place it in the pan. Shake the pan to keep it from sticking or rotate the disk with your finger. Find out what works best for you.   As soon as you see brown spots appear on your pancake turn it over and cook until brown spot appear again. Remove from pan.  Now here is the fun part.  Very Carefully peel the to pancakes apart. and fold like in the picture above. If they're too hot, set them aside for a while before you peel them apart.  Now if they don't peel apart and stick, this means there was not enough oil used.

Repeat this method with the rest of the dough.

Cold Mandarin Pancakes should be placed on a plate with a little sprinkle of water on them covered and  steamed in the Microwave for 25 seconds. OVEN METHOD: Put into a folded foil bag sprinkled with water and put in the oven at the lowest temp and steamed for about 5 minutes or more.
 Be sure to check both, if not enough water was sprinkled on. 

Take out of freezer.  Do not sprinkle with water.  Put in foil bag and follow oven methods above.  Or Put in a bag or a microwave safe container that is covered and pulse for 25 seconds at a time.  Until steamed just right.


Sunday, June 22, 2014


                                                        ALL ABOUT BROTH & STOCK                             
When you learn to make simple broth or stock at home you open the door to the simple pleasures of cooking that evokes wonderful memories.  Broth and Stock are the gate keepers to good home cooking, if you can master these two things, you well on your way to making memorable meals you and your loved ones will soon not forget.
Here are some of the wonderful things you can do with either broth or stock. 
1. Cook your rice with it.
2. Use is to make home made gravy.
3. When cooking ground meat, add a 1/2 cup of either broth of stock to cooking meat, so it does not dry out or burn.
4. You can use it to cook veggies in like carrots and broccoli. They add more flavor to the broth. When the veggies are done keep the broth cool it and freeze it for another use. 
5. Instead of water add soup broth of stock to home made beans or canned refried bean, to cook them in.  

I always try to have at least 10 cups of fresh broth in the freezer ready for anything that I might what to make.  This will last my husband and I about two weeks.  Stock is not as easy to have all the time, so when I make it I use it for special things I want to make.  One of my specialty's is Cilantro and Garlic Shrimp Soup with Stock.  


Broth is make from any parts of the chicken, beef or pork. The broth is clear and very flavorful.  Unlike stocks they do not turn to gelatin when cooled, they remain in a liquid state.  Broths are a lot easier and take an hour to a hour and a half to complete.  
Extra tips about broth. After you chopped up the veggies you can saute them to a golden brown before adding the chicken and water for extra flavor.

Stocks are made from the bones of chickens, beef bones or pork bones. The stock has a richer and deeper in flavor and when cooled have a gelatin consistency.  The thicker the gelatin the better the stock.  Stocks can take from 5 to 7 hours.  The longer you let it simmer the better the flavor and taste.  It is better to make a large batch f

Extra tips about stocks. If you want to you can brown the bones in the oven 45 mintues on each side & saute the veggies until they are browned.  For extra flavor. 

Do  not hesitate to combine whatever you have.  If you have a some chicken bones and beef bones,  toss it in for stock. The same with broth. let say you have two pieces of chicken and some pork toss them into the pot for broth.  The resulting mingled  flavors are awesomeness.

1. After your Broth is done take out the meat to cool and keep meat ,carrots, celery, and garlic. After you remove the chicken meat of the bone, KEEP THE BONES and freeze.  Very hot broth can sit out 1 hour to cool and not longer. To cool faster make a ice bath by putting ice cubes in a large bowl, set a smaller bowl in size, but make sure it does not spill or tip over.  Pour hot broth into smaller pan, this way it will cool faster.

2. After you Stock is done save the stock every thing else will be toss out even the bones. Be very careful, because the stock with be very, very hot. Like the broth it cools the same way and you can leave it cool for a 1 hour if you are not going to use a ice bath.  

Stockes or Broth can be left in the refigerator for about 3 days, if you refigerator is set to the propor tempurtuer.  One the third day you must freeze the soup.

 For a small pot. If you can easily fit four piece of chicken, chopped onion, carrots, celery, and other fixings and still be covered with water.  And you can put a lid on it.  with a inch to spare that is OK.   And of course the bigger the pot the easier.   Just play around and see what work best for you. 

And keep in mind the smaller the batch the less veggies you use and half the spices.  

SPICES & HERBS  This is up to your taste. Big batch use a teaspoon. Small batch use a 1/2 of a Teaspoon.  The more spices and herbs the merrier.  I my self like to add about 5 to 6 spices and three to four herbs.  I like  Black Pepper, Thyme, Cumin, Cinnamon, and Turmeric.   Two  to three Sage leaves, Two to three Basil leaves, A pinch of  Rosemary or a Teaspoon, and a handful Cilantro leaves for herbs.   And it is totally ok, not to add any. 

COOKING METHODS FOR STOCK AND BROTH.  This is the same for both. Bring to a boil and then turn down to low and simmer for a hour for broth and 5 to 7 for stocks.


     3 Carrots.  Peel and chop in half, toss in pot.
     3 Celery      Chop, toss in pot.
     1 Sweet Onion or your choice.  Peel and chop and toss in pot.
     1 Whole Garlic  Cut off top and toss in.
     1 Teaspoon each of your choice of spices and herbs.
      1  A flat of chicken, A whole fryer, your choice. Put in pot
     Fill with water until the chicken is submerged.  Bring to boil with the lid on, then as soon as it does turn down to low and simmer for a hour.

1a.  Add a little olive oil to the bottom of the stock pot add chopped onion and garlic and chopped celery and if you want chopped carrots. Saute them  med until the carrots are slightly brown.  Add every thing else. Follow rest of recipe.

2. Stock 
   Add veggies first before you add the bones on top. If you have to push the bones down with your hands.
   Lot's of bones enough to fill up your pot all the way to the top.
   1 Onion. Chopped finely, toss in pot.
   3 Carrots Chopped coarsely, toss in pot.
   3 Celery stalks Chopped Coarsely, toss in pot.
   1 Whole garlic Clove.
   1 Teaspoon each of your choice of spices and herbs.
   Cover the bones with water, leave an inch at the top. Bring to a Boil with the Lid on, then as soon as it boils turn it down to low and simmer 5 to 7 hours.
2a.  Put Thawed bones on roasting rack, spread out evenly. Roast for 45 minutes.and turn bones with tongs in between roasting. Carefully add bone to stock pot. Follow rest of recipe.

Note: Always keep an eye on what you are cooking.  If the stock leaks over the edge too much  take the lid off and turn up to Med low and as soon as the water level drops, put the lid back on.


Thursday, June 19, 2014


This is a great meal to make when it's hot and muggy and you really don't want to cook.  This is what I call chop & boil. Because that is really all you are doing.
Here we go. 
Side note: If you are one person or not in to making a lot of food All you have to do is cut the yams and sweet potato's in half and instead of using a pound of potato use about 4 or 5. Your choice.
1. 1lb Sweet Potato.......................or 1 Sweet Potato halved.
1. l lb  Yam................................... or 1 Yam halved.
1 lb Potatoes  Your choice..............or 4 to 5 Potatoes.
1 White Onion.................................or half of a onion.
7 Stalks of celery............................or 4 Celery Stalks.
1 Can of Black olives.....................or half of a can.
3 to 4 Tablespoon Mayonnaise.......or 2 to 3 Tablespoons.
 1 Teaspoon Chinese Mustard (Optional)........or your choice.
 4oz jar of Capers (Optional)...........or half of a jar.
A very small handful of Pine nuts. (Optional)  If you don't have pine nuts use Peanuts, Walnuts.

Have 1 pot filled with water on high ready for boiling the potatoes and one bowl with ice water in it for cooling the potatoes.

 CELERY:   Slice them down the middle all the way, and slice those piece down the middle. Don't worry about not being perfect. Then stack all the piece together and cut them into small piece.
ONION: Cut in half and peel off skin.  Dice all the way.  
BLACK OLIVES: You can either cut these into rounds like in the picture above or you can dice them. Your choice.   '
PUT ALL ABOVE IN A BOWL with Capers and Peanuts.

SWEET POTATOES, YAMS, & POTATO'S: Peel.  You want to cut these all the same size. Cut into round disks, then like cutting a pizza quarter them.  They don't have to be perfect just do the best job you can.

When boiling noodles or potatoes you do not have to have the water at a rolling boil. As soon as you see bubbles forming at the bottom toss the potatoes in. Watch your food.  If begins to boil too much turn it down to Medium  the food will still cook. Poke the potatoes with knife to test for doneness.  Very carefully take one out and cool it and taste it.  If it is crunchy it probably needs to cook more. When you start seeing foam build up on top of the water that is a good indication that they are getting close to being done. Test them again by being careful and taking a bite, not crunchy anymore, soft but not mushy. Just right.
(DO NOT POUR HOT WATER DOWN THE SINK) You will melt your pipes.  
Pour off the water over a sieve into another bowl to cool the water, before you discard it.  
Now put the hot potato's, yams and sweet potatoes into the ice water and add some ice cubes. Leave them for a while until the Potatoes have lost their heat and are cold to the taste.

Mix the cold Potatoes, Yams and Sweet Potatoes with the rest of the chopped ingredients.  Add the Mayonnaise and Mustard and MIX.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014


This is why they put the 'C' in comfort foods. Easy to prepare and so yummy to eat.  Lets get started.
You will need:
1.Hungry Family or Two Hungry People.
 1 Box of Wheat or Regular spaghetti noodles.
2 lbs of Ground Turkey or Beef, Pork or Chicken.  Keep in mind that they all cook the same way.
3 Stalks Celery finely chopped.
1/2 Red Onion finely chopped.
A good handful of Basil finely chopped
3 to 4 garlic cloves finely chopped.
1 Egg to bind the mixture.

 2 cups Panco bread crumbs. One cup to add to the meat ball mixuture and one for rolling the meat balls in.
1 Tablespoon White Balsamic Vinegar (optional)
1 Tablespoon Olive oil.
1 teaspoon of these spices.  Cinnamon, Cumin, Pepper, Thyme.
1 good pinch of pepper flakes.
Peanut oil for frying
1 Cup of Ketchup.
 1 16 oz Can of ready cut tomatoes.        
 1 8 oz Can of tomato sauce.
 A pinch of Basil and Rosemary finely chopped.  Add teaspoon of  cinnamon and pepper if desired.

Note: You can make one item at a time and keep it heated in the oven if you like.  Make the Meat Balls first, then cook the spaghetti, then the sauce. This way if you are a beginner you don't get overwhelmed.

FIRST: Have a cookie tray ready to put the Meatballs on. 
 Chop up Red Onion, Celery, Garlic, Basil. To this mixture add spices and 1 cup of Panco bread crumbs. Add meat and mix very well. (WASH HANDS).  Now add a table spoon of Olive oil & White Balsamic Vinegar to the mixture and egg. Mix very well.  (WASH HANDS).   Pour the other cup of crumbs into a small bowl.  With a Tablespoon scoop out a little bit and put into the palm of your hand. If you cup both of your hands together their should be enough room for it to move. If not pinch a bit off. Drop it quickly from one hand to another it will form a ball on its own.  Now that you have a ball dunk it in the bread crumbs. Place on cookie try. Repeat until all the meat is used up. (WASH HANDS)   Now you can either cook these right away or cover them up and put them in the refrigerator until the noodle and sauce is done. Find out what works best for you.

SECOND: Frying the Meat balls.
Coat a large pan with oil about enough to make the tip of your finger oily.  Not too deep.  Cook Meat Balls between a range from Medium High to Medium Low.  It's okay to turn the stove down to low if you feel their getting to dark and then back up if their not cooking at all ,as I show in my video.  Use tongs to turn them over as they turn golden brown. Keep cooking meat balls until they are all browned on all sides. When this happens take a lid and place it on top and turn the stove top to Med-High. It will spit and spatter a little. We want all the meat balls to be cooked all the way through.  When they are done place them on a plate with paper towel to drain.  Check one or two.  If they are still pink inside return to the pan and cook for another 4 to five minutes. Place cooked Meat balls on a plate and cover and keep warm in over on the lowest temp.

THIRD: Cooking the Spaghetti.
Fill a pot with water. Turn stove top to high. As soon as you see little bubbles starting to form break your spaghetti in half and put in the water. Stir noodles to prevent from sticking together.  If need be turn down the burner to Med-High  the noodles will still cook.  Leaving the water on high the entire time will only make the water boil up and over.  The noodles will cook at Med-High, Medium, and even Medium Low.   Test the noodles along the way.  When you see white foam on top of the water, that is when their close to being done.  That is the starch coming out.

FOURTH:  Making the sauce.
This is the easiest.  Open your cans and pour all into a pot with 1 cup ketchup and rosemary and basil and spices. Cook on Medium stir often.   If you decide to cook the Meat balls after you start the sauce. The sauce will be done when the meat balls are done. Just keep stirring it and turn down if need be, then back up.

A big slice of French Bread and Parmesan and Dig in.  



Welcome to my blog site for Susen's Kitchen Corner.  Here you will find my full recipes and cooking tips, advice, among other little tidbits.  With each recipe I will try my best to be clear and very detailed about the process of cooking.

If you still need more help that you can check out my YouTube Videos at Susen's Kitchen Corner I will guide you through each Recipe step by step from start to finish. However as of October 2014. I will no longer be making any more videos.   But I will leave all 261 videos up.

The style of cooking that I teach is home cooking which is slow paced.  What I do not teach is high speed restaurant cooking. Restaurant cooking is taught on most T.V. shows. My motto is Slow and steady wins the race, fast and furious fall on your face.

 If you are new to home cooking or cooking in general it can be very intimidating and scary. And if you have watch enough shows you see the stereotypical four burners on high, everything boiling over and smoke rising from the oven.  A good cook will stay in the kitchen at all time to make sure   nothing like that happens.

Food Processing didn't start to gain Popularity in the US until the 1970's.  Well what did people do before the 1970's?   They still made great food with out food processors.  There are other ways to make yummy and delicious meals.  So don't look at what you don't have and say I can't make it, because I don't have a food processor.  Up date:  I was gifted a mini food processor.  And yes I do  use it.   Although the majority of my recipes don't require one. ;)

I am here to help you and inspire you through your culinary adventures of cooking and baking.  I might provide the recipes, but you provide imagination by improving or changing it to your own taste.

                                                           CHEERS & HAPPY COOKING.