Tuesday, October 25, 2016


1 egg
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/4 cup flour
 Note: This is very runny batter. This is ok.

Break the egg into a bowl and add the milk, whisk together add flour and mix in.
Spray a pan with nonstick or butter it. Turn the burner on low, let it warm up a little.

The batter will spatter when you pour it on the hot pan.   Pour 1 small ladle full or 4 tablespoons  very slowly on to the pan and let it spread out.  You can also use a spoon to make a circular motion to get a round pancake.  When the pancake turn a light yellowish color it is done.  I tend not to flip them but if you want you can flip them and cook a bit on the other side. 

 Unlike regular pancakes these pancakes are good with meat, vegetables, fillings and gravy.  But they still can be used as a dessert.

I have use then with left over foods like stews and dirty rice works well. It up to your imagination.  But the key is there quick and super easy.  Whip up the batter cook and your in business.   Cinnamon and apples with chocolate drizzle super yummy. 

Have fun finding your favorite filling.


Very simple, very delightful and yummy.    These did not last very long.  I had to take the pictures fast, hubby was on his second trip.

1 1/2 Cup Crab.
2 to 3 Celery sticks
2 cups flour
1 cup broth or water
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of Turmic
1 quarter of while onion.
How mustard (optional)

First after the crab is thawed out your going to want to squeeze the excess liquid out of it. Take paper towl and squeeze it till no more liquid comes out.  

Put two cups of flour in a metal bowl.
 Bring the broth or water to a boil.
Add spices and mix in.
 ((((Be very careful))) Pour boiling broth into the flour and mix with in with a wooden spoon or spatula.  Do not mix with your hand until it is cool enough to handle.  
 Form the dough into a ball.   And cover.  This type of dough can and will dry out really fast.  The dough should be slightly tacky. 
 Dice Celery
 Mince a bit.

 Dice and mince the onion.    Next mix the crab, celery and onion together in a bowl. 
 Take the dough and cut it in half, then half it again.
 Cut those halves in half.  So you should have eight piece now.
 Cut in half again, now you have 16.  Next roll each into a ball with a bit of flour on your hand and put all back into a covered container.
 Flour the cutting board and flatten out a ball with a rolling pin.  Take care to add enough flour, but not too much.  This dough is tacky.
 Use the palm of your  hand as a guide to shape the Dim Sum. Now if you want to make it look pretty by all means go for it.  And you can make this smaller if you want.   I made Crab Battle ship Dim Sum.  I mean I really stuffed them. 
 Put a good scoop of crap mixture in the middle.
 Now carefully pinch the dough together until all the crab meat is concealed.    And if their too much, put it back in the bowl.

Trouble shooting.  If you find little holes opening up add extra dough to that part. 
Some of the dim sum will open up, that just part of the game, so don't worry, just pick it up and eat it.  Yum.   I had one open up.  No big deal.  Cooking is not perfect, and if it is it's staged.   
 Battle ship Eat me now.  ;)
 I do have a Bamboo steamer basket, but don't let that stop you from making dim sum.    Place the dim some in the pan and add enought water to the bottom just to coat it.   Do not submerge the dim sum.   Turn the Burner to high and cover with a lid.   We are steaming the dough, sense the crab is already cooked.  Do not leave this unattended.  Have a cup of water near buy to add a bit more water as it steams.   It should take 4 to 5 minutes or less depending on the size.  
Done.   :)    With a bit of Hot Chines mustard sauce these were gone quickly.  

If your wondering about the onion taking away the flavor from the crab. Not one bit, the crab was very (Very) strong in flavor.       


Wednesday, October 19, 2016



4 cup of Vodka.
8 cups of water
5 Vanilla beans
8 cups of sugar
12 Tablespoon Yuban coffee.   Or 12 Tablespoons Instant Yuban a little easier.
Glass bottles with good tight lids.  


First Bring 8 cup of water to a boil, when it's boiling really good pour in sugar and stir with a wooden spoon until sugar is dissolved.  Next add either 12 Table spoon of Instant Yuban and stir till it's dissolved, in this case their is no need to strain after the hour is up.
If you are using 12 Table spoons Yuban non instant coffee grounds you will need to strain through a coffee filter after the time is up.  Let this both mixtures rest for 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours.

After the hour is up add four cups of Vodka to the mixture.   The glass bottles you use should be sterile.  Take the vanilla beans and split them down the middle exposing the beans.  Stick one in each bottle, but do this one at a time.  So you don't waste any vanilla beans.  Now take a funnel and fill up each bottle and either and make sure the lid of cork is very tight.   Fill all the bottles.   These bottles need to be placed in a very dark area away from light.  Let them rest for 11 months to a full year or longer.  The longer they sit the better the flavor.   

You can use this for making ice cream, cooking, drinking or what ever else you can think of. 
Have fun.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


 Veggie Burgers
This recipes was very spontaneous.  Had no idea what to make tonight.  (?)   How about veggie burgers.   Here we go.    
My one and only food critic love them.  So it's a winner.  :)


1 can of Garbanzo beans
4 garlic cloves
1 half of a medium white onion.
1 celery stick
3 Tablespoons of red lentils.
1/2 Teaspoon of each:
1 cup Panko Bread crumbs
3 Table spoons water.
Cooking spray
Brown rice.  Try for the round shaped rice, rather than long grain. It works better.
3 inch cookie cutter.
1 red onion.

 Chop up the onion, garlic and celery and put in a pan with no oil.  Turn the burner to Medium high.  Cook and stir occasionally until the onion are light brown. This is called caramelization. Well in this case very light.

Cook the Lentils next. Cover with water and bring to a boil. When they turn yellow from  orange and open up their done.  They have a very nutty taste.  Left is uncooked and right is cooked.
  Put the Garbanzo beans in the food proccessor and break them up and add three table spoon of water.

Put the G-beans in a bowl and mix in spices.

Now add bread crumbs, lentils and lightly caramelization onions.  Mix in good.
Now add the brown rice.   And mix in very well.
Note: Brown rice cooks just a little bit longer than white rice. 2 cups of brown rices to 4 1/2 cups of water.  Bring to a boil, The water will not rise to the top of the lid,  So Watch it, when it start to boil, do not turn it to low. But instead slightly above low.  It should have a nice simmer to it.   Keep the lid on and when you see the water and bubbling subside all the way turn it off and let it rest.
The moisture content to these were perfect.  Shape into 6 large balls.
A three inch cookie work great for making patties.
Press into the cookie cutter.  And gently remove.
here we have our patties.
Spary a pan really good.
So were just brown them now.  Basically if you want you can skip this part, because well their basically already to go.  ;)  But it dose give a nice flavor.

Don't for get the onion.  These are really better BBQ.
Put in a pan on high heat. And cook until they look a little burnt or brownish on either side.   These should cook very fast.

VEGGIE BURGERS.  Yummy.     Here is what we used.   Tomatoes, Avocados, Mayo, Ketsup and the red onion.  


Friday, October 14, 2016


 This was so dreamy.   mmmmm

And if your wondering yes the steaks are frozen, I don't thaw them out, before I put them in the stock.

2 Salmon Steaks
6 to 7 cup of Stock      ALL ABOUT BROTH & STOCK     
(grumble.. now it won't add a link.)  So type this into the search bar)
6 Green onion chopped
1/2 of a yellow squash chopped.
1  8oz can of Shitake mushrooms.
1 Package of Chuka Soba.   BASIC:  CHUKA SOBA NOODLES

Note any type a fish will work with this recipe.  

Heat up the stock.   On Medium high.
Put the Frozen salmon in the hot stock and turn down to low.  This prevents over cooking the salmon.  And make sure it is completely submerged.
Drain the mushrooms and cut up the veggies.
Noodles cooking in the back, Salmon cooking in the stock. Take note on how the noodles look puffier in the pictuer below the salmon.

With tongs remove a piece of salmon and use two forks to gently pull the flesh apart.  If it flaks apart really easily it's done. If you still see dark red, put it back in the stock.  The salmon should have a evenly pink color thought out.  Remove bones.

Now add the veggies and mushrooms to cook in the stock.  They should cook really fast.  When the yellow squash look transparent, it done.

When the veggies are done, remove them from the stock.  This way you can use the rest of stock for some other dish.
Preparing the soup bowls.
Hubby can not wait.  LOL
Enjoy.  ;)

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


This is called the 33 Cheese cake because it's Half Evil. ;)

This turn out so yummy. And I knocked off so many calories it's not funny. Mind you it's still has calories.  My hubby was grumbling that he did not like cheese cake and kept telling me don't waste my time. He's had his share of rubbery cheese cake.  Well I converted him and he loves it, so do I.     Yummy.

This Recipe requires a food processor.  I know I try to keep away from the contraption, but this time you need one, it does make it easier.
[ Hand creaming garbanzo bean is not easy, I tried it and it's a pill.]  So bleehhh, this is were a little food processor comes in handy.
To the right is the finished Cheese Cake.  mmmmmmmmm
9 inch pie pan will be required.  If you have a square one of similar size that will work too.
 1 1/2 cups fine Gram Crackers crumbs.  This will require almost a whole box.
3 Tablespoons of milk
1 8oz package of Cream cheese
1 Medium Avocado
2 Tablespoons butter
1 Teaspoon cinnamon
1 package of Knox Gelitin
1/2 cup sugar - for crust.
1 can of Garbanzo Beans
1 cup sugar - to mix with Knox gelatin.
1 cup of boiling water

First pack Gram Crackers in and grind them down.

 1 1/2 cup finely ground gram crackers.
 Add cinnamon and 1/2 cup sugar and mix in.
 Avocados and two tablespoon of butter and one table spoon of milk  Mix well in mini food processor.
Ok I know what your thinking. This look really awful. But the results are dreamy.   Scoop out avocado on top of the gram crackers and mix in well.

See the picture below first.  My computer won't let me switch the pictures.
Resuming from below:::::   Ok I am not into fancy and prefect, I'm am in to rustic and sloppy. :)     So do what you got to do and spread it out and fill holes that might open up.  No rhyme or reason.     Put this in the oven on 375 for 7 minutes.  Watch!  If you start to smell it and see the edges getting browned it's done.    Note: This is the only baking you will be doing.
 After you mix in the avocado into the crumbs will, dump it into the pie pan and spread out evenly.  See the picture above.
 You will need one packet.
 Garbanzo Beans or G Beans.   I can right into the food processor.   Blend them up really good, toward the end add two table spoons of milk and blend some more.
 Cut your cream cheese into little piece and add to the creamed G beans, until all the cream cheese is incorporated.
Waa la.
 Add 1 cup of sugar to a pan with 1 packet of Knox Gelatine.  Have a cup of boiling water ready.
 Pour in boiling water and stir till all is dissolved and gelatine is gone, about 7 minutes.
 Ok now pour the some what cooled Gelatine into a measuring cup and only pour a little bit in the top of the food processor like below.

 Put the lid on and mix it in. This will start the incorporation of the liquid a bit easier.  After this pour the mixture into a glass dish and add the rest of the gelatine and mix in very well.   Then pour all into the curst.

Chill in refrigerator for 3 hours or more.   YUM!

I can not wait to have a slice after dinner tonight.

Enjoy your Healthy cheese cake.  ;)