Monday, July 13, 2015



Yummy and just plane yummy and healthy.


2 Crisp Large Apples like Gala.  Peeling optional.
1  Salmon Steak.  Tuna also goes great with this.  
1/2 White onion.
2 Table spoons capers small.
1 Red bell pepper.
3 stalks of celery.
2 table spoons mayannios. 
1 garlic clove minced or grated very fine.
1 Pablono.   

NOTE: The pablano and garlic are optional.  I like the heat, but if you don't leave it out.


FIRST: Cooking the Salmon
While the salmon is cooking you can dice the onions, bell peppers, pablono, celery and mix in the capers and garlic in a bowl, and put in the refrigerator.

Put the Salmon steak skin side down in the pan.  Turn the pan to low and cover with a lid that fits.  Keep your eye on the color of the salmon. At first it will be bright reddish pink, and as it cooks it will turn into a lighter pink.  Also watch for white drops of fat to appear on the out side of the salmon as it cooks.
Next: Now if your looking at your salmon that is cooking and it appears to be done on the out side, it may not be done on the inside. Turn off the burner and take off the lid. Take two forks and very carefully pull the salmon apart and look in.  Try to pull it apart by the grain.  If you see dark red inside, it still need to cook more. Put in back on the burner on low to finish cooking.
 If it is done, then when you take the forks and pull the salmon apart gently it will flake apart really easily, and it should all be the same even light pink, no dark pink.
When the salmon is all the way done take a metal spatula and scoop the whole salmon up off the skin that will be stuck to the pan.   Put the salmon on a plate and let cool a bit then remove all the bones and then flake apart.

Peel the apple , then cut them in half into 4 equal parts.  Use a small knife and carefully make a small circle to pop out the core and throw away.  Next either using a melon scoop or a knife carefull cut in a circle and make the apple into a boat.  And check this out if your if your getting a little frusterated don't hesitate to grap the big knife and chop the apple up. :)  and top it with the tuna salad.  Either way it going to be yummy.  
Oh and don't forget to add the apple you cored to the salad.

When you have your little apple boat made stuff with the salmon salad.



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