Tuesday, December 2, 2014



So easy and so good. These are great to make ahead of time and freeze in the freezer. Then all you have to do is, pull a few out and warm them up in the oven or toaster oven. Drizzle them with honey, add some butter and they make a nice side for eggs and bacon.  Or if you need a little bite to eat with your coffee or tea.

2 1/4 cup Self-Rising Flour
2 Teaspoons of Baking Powder
1 Tablespoon of Olive oil
1 Egg.  Large of Med is fine.  Or two small eggs.
3/4 Cup Chilled milk
1 Tablespoon of sugar of

NOTE: As the dough come together you do not knead it.  


1st. Break the egg into the milk and break the yolk with a fork and add the olive oil.

2nd. Mix self rising flour, sugar and baking powder in a bowl. Stir well.

3rd.  Add about 6 Table spoons of the milk/egg mixture to the flour and cut in with a wooden spoon really good.  

Note:  The Dough should have the consistency of being really moist and it should start clumping together.  And it should stick to the fingers.

 4th.  Next with hands floured compact the dough into a ball the best you can. If their is deep fishers in the dough this is ok.

5th. Set the ball on a floured surface and use your finger tips to spread it out into a rough square about the size of your two hands with fingers spread out. Gently flip it and spread it out. If it's bigger or smaller that ok to.

6th Now you can use a 3 inch cookie cutter or 2 inch or basically what ever you have.  This is up to you.  Cut out as many as you can then bring all the scraps together and cut some more out.
Tip:  What to do with the little of dough left?   Press it into the cutter to make it the same shape.

7th Place all on a sprayed cookie tray or pan.  Turn the oven to 425 and leave them in their for 12 to 14 minutes.  When finished they should have a nice light golden top to them and a nice golden bottom.  (Always check your food in the oven.)

8th   Have ready. Butter, Jam, Honey and any other yummy spread you can think of.  These also make killer egg muffins.  

Again these freeze so well.

Nom Nom Nom.

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