Sunday, June 25, 2017


Cookie Time.  :)

1 can of (G)arbanzo beans drain and washed.
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter.
2 Additional table spoons of peanut butter.
2 Table spoons of water.
4 Table spoons of honey
2 Table spoons of butter.
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 1/2 cups flour

For this recipe you will need a small food processor, or a blender to cream the G beans.  After each blend open it up and push every thing down with a spatual and add the water, keep blending.  Next add two table spoons of peanut butter and blend some more and keep pushing the mixture down with a spatula periodically.

 Cut the 2 table spoons into small squares and add to the mixture.
 Push them down into the paste and blend until their are incorporated until every thing is creamed.  
Remove the cream from the processor with a spatula and put all in a mixing bowl with 1/2 cup peanut butter, cinnamon, honey and baking powder.   I was not paying attention and globbed the peanut butter right on top of the honey and backing powder.  It's their, just hiding.   Mix all well.
 Next add sugars and mix in.

 Add one cup of flour.   This dough is very wet it will absorb all the flour.

 Add another 1/2 cup and mix in very well, until you can not see any more flour.
 Spray your hands with non stick and roll walnut size dough balls and place on a non stick cookie sheet or as I like to do my pizza pan.  These cookies do not have enough butter to flatten out by them selves, so you have to flatten first before you cook them.

Bake at 350 and check periodically. They will be done when the bottoms are golden.  Yeah you heard me right the bottoms. Just take a metal spatula and gently lift them to check.  And this goes for all cookies, when the bottoms are golden the cookie is ready.  

Whalla.   Now I completely forgot to take a picture of them cooked.  Oh well. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


This is so simple so easy and it keep you full longer and if your into doing long rides or runs it's a power house of energy.   And not to mention that you can make this the night before, and heat it up in the morning.  Talk about a fast breakfast.   

1 cup of steel cut oats.
2 cups of water.
1 heaping tablespoon of Chobani Yougurt.
Cut up fresh fruit. Strawberries, Blue berries, grapes, melons, peaches, figs, what ever is season. 
A small bit of honey with this is also yummy.
Get creative,  how about granola?   Pumpkin seeds?   Invent your own favorite.  

Bring the water to a boil.  Next add cup of steel cut oats and stir in and immediately turn down to low and stir.   Stir occasionally, to keep oat's from sticking to the bottom.    As the water is absorbed into the oats the mixture will thicken up.   This should take 20 minutes.    As soon as the mixture is not water and is very clumpy and sticky, turn the heat off.  

Put 1/2 cup in a bowl with 1 heaping table spoon of Chobani's yougurt and mix in and then top off with fruit.  Enjoy. 

How to reheat your oat meal.  
Put cold oat meal in a pan with enough water to cover the bottom of the pan.  Turn the burner to medium high. With a spoon break up cold oat meal and keep breaking it up and mix it around until it hot all the way through and ready to eat.  ;)    Easy easy and did I mention easy.