Monday, September 7, 2015



Wheat berries is the best breakfast cereal hands down, because they have a great taste, and they're the one cereal that will never go soggy.  So here we go.

1cup, 2 cups or 3 cups. WHEAT BERRIES.    You prepare it all the same.

METHOD:  Hey just like beans. :)

1. Look over wheat berries for any thing like rocks or twigs. 
2. Wash wheat berries and drain off water.
3. Put wheat berries back into pot and cover with ample water, the berries will absorb some of the water.
4. Let the berries rest in the water over night. 
5.  In the morning pour off the water and rinse berries in clean water. Return to pot.  If you don't want to cook them when you get up, drain and put in refrigerator cover until later. 1 day Max. 
6. With berries in deep pot, fill with water until berries are submerged really good. Turn burner to high and bring to a boil, then turn down to low and let simmer for an hour. 
7. Turn off burner and let wheat berries rest in water for another 30 minutes.
8. Rinse water off and enjoy or freeze.  
9. It's that easy. :)

Here are some additional ideas for uses.
1. Add a table spoon or two to your salad.
2. Add a little bit to your yogurt.
3. Use as a filler for spaghetti meat or another meat dish. A cup will do.
4.  Need something extra in your soup, wheat berries make a great addition.
5.   Mix them in your scrambled eggs. 
Basically the ideas are endless.  


Sunday, September 6, 2015



I love cooking beans and cobra beans are great for salads.    Please don't let dried beans be intimidating, their so easy to make.  And so much healthier, canned are good, but you have all the extra little ingredients and beans are not naturally sweet, and it depends on the brand too.  

A little guide to beans:  This process apply to 1 to 40 cups of beans. 
1. Purchase beans.  :)     Lentils do not apply here even thought they are a Legume.
2. Spread beans out on a tray, look over for rocks, remove any thing that does not look edible.  
3. Wash bean.
4. Put beans in a huge pot and cover with water, make sure beans are really submerged, because they will soak up the water, so use ample water.
5.  Soak over night.  Don't worry about having a timer. 
6.  In the morning rinse beans with clean water and put in a cooking pot and cover with water. 
6a.  or  rinse bean, drain and store in refrigerator until you can cook them.  1 day max. 
7.  Lid off bring to a boil.   Watch beans they create a foam that tends to rise.  To control this Turn it down to medium high. When you can see he beans being agitated by the boiling water turn to low, let cook.
8. Test beans periodically.  The beans should be tender, but not nutty.  When you think their done take a few out and cool them put a tad of salad dressing on them and eat.

2 Tablespoons Capers
15 Grape Tomatoes halved.
1/2 minced white onion
2 grated garlic cloves
About three grates of ginger
2 Tablespoons of wheat berry
2 celery stalks
A lose handful of Cilantro chopped.
2 Tablespoons Rice vinegar
1 Tablespoon Olive oil
6 oz of Marinated Artichoke hearts
Diced or sliced Avocado for garnish.


Chop onion, celery, cilantro, and add to cold Cobra beans.  Grate garlic and fresh ginger over bean mixture.   Add wheat berries, Olive oil, Rice vinegar, Capers.   Chop up Artichoke heart and add.
Mix all really well.  Add Avocado and sprinkle with Dill.




There are time when I don't want to spend 1 to 2 hours cooking.  I get home and I want something quick and easy.  This is my go to Fast Food.  

1 good size link of Precooked Sausage your choice any type is fine.  Precooked is better, because your really not cooking it your just heating it. 

 About 4 Potatoes.     Red, Yellow Finnish, Yukon, Yams, or Sweet potatoes it's all good.    And you can mix and match if you like.  2 Red potatoes and a half of Yam etc.  It's all going to cook the same. 

1/2 Tablespoon of Olive oil.

1 half minced Jalapeno (optional)   I like it because it adds some nice heat and really wakes you up.

2 minced garlic cloves.
Note: You can also add red bell pepper to the sauté and any thing else that you think will make it more yummy.    Another thing I do is if I have any gravy ice cubes in the freezer I use them for this meal.  It makes it into a stew.   Another thing is steam up some carrots.  Again make it your own.


Cut the potatoes into bite size chucks. Remember the smaller the quicker they cook and the bigger the longer they cook.   Put all into a small pan of water and bring to a boil for about 2 to 3 minutes and then turn to low.  Always check your food.   Take the biggest piece out cool it and take a bite.  If it's crunchy not done.  If it falls apart it's over cooked.   It should be able to hold it's shape and be kind of al dente, but not crunchy.   

Cut the sausage length wise and dice into small pieces.    You can use a lot or a little this is up to you.  
Mince up garlic and jalapeno and add to a pan with about a half of table spoon of Olive oil. Saute' on medium until garlic is fragrant then add the sausage.  
Note: Depending how strong the jalapeno is this will make your eye water up a bit.  It dose mine.  That the good burn. :)     
Cook sausage until you see the tips of the sausage turn brown here and their, then turn off burner. 

Drain Potatoes and add to the sausage.   EAT!  

The premise here is fast and easy.  If you want to add more things like carrots and other veggies,  go for it.

My Hubby and I like to add Sriracha Sauce it.