Tuesday, August 25, 2015



This is comfort food.  A big bowl of this will turn any bad day around. 


7 to 8 cups of Chicken stock or broth. (ABOUT)
10 grape tomatoes
1/2lb of okra
2 Carrots
1 cup or green beans
1 Yellow squash.
2 cups of lose packed Kale.
A hand full of snow peas.
2 oz of butter. That is a half of a stick of butter.
1/2 of a cup of flour. 


Cut butter in to small chunks and melt on low. Watch it so it does not burn. When all the butter has melted turn off the burner, lift the pan off the burner and swish it around.  This is to make sure the butter does not burn.

On another burner heat up the stock or broth.

Back to the pot with the melted butter.
NOTE: Keep your eyes on the consitency of the mixture as you make this. 
Keep burner on low. Add one tablespoon of flour whisk away, does it look like small dough balls or wet.  If it looks wet add another table spoon of flour and whisk away. Keep doing this until flour is soaked up and you get a bunch of small looking dough balls.

NOTE: OKAY This is the part where you got to trust yourself, when you add the hot liquid to the small buttery dough balls it is going to go thought a transformation that going to look like you ruined it.  All you have to do is keep whisking until it look like mash potatoes.  :)


FOURTH: Turn up the heat to Medium.
Now add two ladles to the butter  flour mixture, it will sear in the hot pan. Whisk away and keep whisking until it looks smooth and creamy mash potatoes.  When it looks like creamy mash potatoes, add to more ladle full.  Whisk, whisk ,whisk and be careful.  Keep whisking until it has the consistency of creamy mash potatoes.  Then add your soup again.

When you are finished adding the amount of soup you want keep the burner low.
Now like I said above you are in control of your cream soup.  The more broth you add the less creamy it with be, the less the thicker the cream soup with be.  Find your happy medium.  


Clean the veggies.  Cut the stems off the okra, take the strings off the peas, dice the carrots into small chunckes, Shred the kale, Cut up the yellow squash into bite size chucks. Cut up the string beans.  
Add every thing to the cream soup except for the squash and the snow peas.  Set the squash aside.  Turn the stove top to medium with lid on and stir the soup occasionally. Turn to low and leave the lid on, when the carrots are almost cooked and almost not crunchy add the squash. When the carrots are soft the soup is done.  Now add the snow peas to each bowl uncooked.  The hot soup will cook them just right.

You can sever this over rice or noodles or have it by it self. 


Sunday, August 23, 2015


Note this has been updated.  

This is the best and it is so easy to make.  You (can) make a little or a lot depending on how many figs you have. 
NOTE: If you make more, your probably going to want to can some. 
                                            This was 5 cup figs to 5 cups sugar. 1 cup water.

Please note:  Take care and watch your syrup, if you feel at any time these recipe need to be changed to fit your need, do so.  


1.   5 cups of fresh figs to 5 cups of sugar & two split vanilla beans.  1 cup of water.

2    4 cups figs to 4 cups sugar & one or two split vanilla beans.   1/2 cup water.

3.  3 to 3 cup sugar, one vanilla bean. 1/2 cup water.

4.  2 to 2 cups of sugar, one vanilla bean.  1/2 water.

5. 1 to 1 cup sugar , half of a vanilla bean.  1/4 Tablespoons water. 

Note:  Make sure for smaller batches to use a smaller pot.  And if you feel that you need to add a tad more water, add in Tablespoons at a time to each of the above.  But take caution if you add too much water you won't get syrup. 

If your going to make a big batch let say above 5 to 5, maybe 8 to 8. Your probably going to need to can them.  

Now don't freak out canning is beyond easy all you have to do is have canning jars lids and tops and  boil water. I will explain that further down. 

Wash the figs gently and cut the steams off, put all into a Dutch oven or large soup pot.

Pour sugar and add vanilla beans and water.

Bring to a boil with lid on and then as soon as it boils, turn to low and let cook for 1 hour.   Stir occasionally.  Check the syrup with a spoon, if it is still too watery, it is ok to let them cook for another 15 minutes to half hour.  That's is ok. 

For a ratio of 5 to 5 I was able to use 4 canning jars for the figs and one for the syrup. So depending on the size of your figs always have to more jars just in case.

1st add all the jars, lids and screw lids to a large pot and cover all with water and bring to a nice rolling boil to sterilize the jars.  Also if you have metal tongs dip them in the water to sterilize them too.   Have a clean dish towel laid out to where your going to have the jar when their finished being filled.  

2. With the water still boiling carefully remove the mason jars and set them on the towel one by one.  With the sterilized tongs grab the figs one by one and fill the jars snuggly.  Next sterilize a ladle in the boiling water and ladle up the syrup and pour over the figs until they are submerged in the jar. You might have to remove some and add some to make them all snug. Also take a butter knife sterilize it and poke it in between the fig to release air bubbles. 

3. With the tongs grab the lids and cover all the jars, now grab the screw on lid and add them. With a clean towel carefully tighten the screw on lids.   Let the jars rest a bit, then go back and tighten them even more as tight as you can.   Cover them with a towel and they will seal them selves.

4.  Now for the syrup that left in the bottom of the pot.   Ladle it out into a sterilized mason jar, two if need be and also seal it.  

You can add this to oat meal for breakfast, add it to the Fig Cookie recipe,  pancakes,  polenta, any thing you can imagine.  It's so yummy.  

Enjoy creating your own culinary delights.   



Fresh fig right of the tree are awesome.    Every time my hubby and I go on our walk we stop by for a nibble.  I canned half the fig and froze the rest.


2 Cups of flour (about)
2 Cups of Figs.
2 Tablespoons of Fig Syrup.  Yummy  ( if you don't have this just add another 2 tablespoons of sugar)
2 Tablespoons of Sugar
3/4 Cup of Brown Sugar.
1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder
1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda.
1 Stick of butter soften.
2 Eggs


You will need a big bowl, a electric egg beater and a cookie tray to cook the cookies.

Note:  I like to pulse the butter in the microwave for about 8 seconds, twice to soften the butter.
But keep in mind all microwaves run at different temperature, so pulse less just to be safe.

Cut up the fresh or canned figs into bite size pieces and set aside.  Cream the butter in a bowl with your weapon of choice, when it is thoroughly creamed add white sugar, fig syrup and brown sugar and incorporate into the butter.    Break one egg at a time and add it to butter.  Beat some more.  Next add the baking soda and powder and beat in. Last but not least add the figs pieces and stir in with a wooden spoon.  Yes there is a lot of beating going on.  If your using the Pastry knife to cream the butter, just cut it up and keep cutting as you add the sugars and eggs.  Cut, cut, cut, then use a wooden spoon.

  Now add about three to four tablespoons of flour and mix it in.  Keep on doing this with the flour so you don't overwhelm the batter. The batter should be very moist and slightly sticky.  If you add too much flour it will overwhelm the butter and the cookie will not spread out, instead you will have a hard piece of cookie. Not yummy.  This is why you add a little at a time to the batter. One way to tell if the batter is good is mix it with a wooden spoon and if you can get a big chuck of it to stick to the spoon by lifting it up.  Sticky enough to stick to the spoon and not fall off.

1. Shaping by hand. Have a small bowl with flour in it to pat down the palms of your hands, this keep the batter from sticking to your hands.  You want to pick up about a walnut size or a little bigger and gently roll it in your hands making a ball and then place on cookie baking tray about two inches apart.

2. Using a spoon.  Use two spoon's smaller than a soup spoon. Pick up a little bit of the dough about the size of a walnut and then use the other spoon to push off the batter onto the cookie baking tray again leave about two inches between the cookies.

Bake at 325 to 350 for 12 minutes or cookies have a nice lite golden looking.  But keep in mind the smaller you make the cookies the faster they cook, the bigger the longer they will cook. So always be mindful.
After they are done take them out of the oven and have a cookie rack near by to cool them on. With a metal spatula carefully lift time off the tray and place them on the rack to cool for five minutes or more.
Note: Cookies coming right out of the oven are very soft and breakable. As they cool they harden up and become yummy.

Get your self a nice big tall glass of cold milk, or hot coffee or tea and sit back and enjoy.  :)

Sunday, August 16, 2015



This is a great meal and very filling and so easy.  Chop, chop, sauté and let cook.  That's all.

Note: Make sure you use a deep pot that fits all the ingredients.

1 Whole Cauliflower or half is fine too if it is a really big one.
1 lb of Boneless Chicken
1 Can of Coconut milk.
1 Cup of water.
1/2 Onion
4 Garlic cloves
1 cup of lose packed Cilantro.
1 inch of Ginger
1 Jalapeno pepper Optional
1 Poblano pepper  Optional
4 teaspoons of Olive oil.
1 Tablespoon of Rice vinegar.
2 Carrots
2 teaspoons of Curry powder your choice.
1 teaspoon of Cinnamon
1 teaspoon of thyme
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 teaspoon of oregano
1 teaspoon of cumin


Chop up the onion, garlic, jalapeno and poblano pepper and add it to the pan with the Olive oil and Rice vinegar.  Next mince the cilantro and ginger really good and add to the pot.  Sautee all on medium high until the onions are translucent. 

Break and cut the cut the cauliflower into small piece and set aside.
  Peel and cut up carrots into bite size piece and add carrots to pot. Next add all the spices.   Next add the coconut milk and 1 cup of water.  Bring mixture to a boil on high, then turn down to low and let simmer.  

Dice up the boneless chicken into bite size piece and add to the pot. Now add the Cauliflower.  Mix everything together.   With lid on, let it cook.   

Tip: Always check the biggest piece of meat for doneness.    When the chicken is done the meal is ready. 

Serve with white rice.

Easy and Yummy.   And the left overs are even better.    mmmm. :)    

EXTRA TIP:  Have any soup broth cubes in the freezer.  Heat up the broth and add the curry to the soup to make a awesome lunch or dinner.