Thursday, August 10, 2017


 I wanted to try a veggie with Frozen yogurt.  My hubby had raised eyebrows.  In the end we think it's a winner.   
And especcially after my 65 miles ride yesterday with a 3.7 mile walk after a flat tire.   I came home to this and it really hit the spot.  It's has a very delicate crisp flavor.   
And you can have to two ways.
1.  Keep it in the freezer for 3 to 4 hours and have Frozen Yogurt. 
2.  If you freeze it all the way score it with a fork for a ice yogurt treat.   Either way it's yummy and your getting your veggies.   This might be a good way to trick the little ones if they don't like veggies.
 1 cup of diced fresh zucchini.
 4 table spoon sugar
2 table spoon water
2 cups thick Greek yogurt.

 Puree zucchini and push it down the side with a spatula and keep pureeing until it's looks like the picture below.

Put two cups of yogurt in to a plastic container.

 Add pureed zucchini and mix in.  Your done.  Easy & fast.
Cover and put in freezer for 3 to 4 hours.   When you check it it should have the consistency of ice cream.  If it is not set up leave it longer.  
Whalla.  Yummy 
I don't use a ice cream scoop.  I use the table spoon to make yogurt balls.  About two scoop is enough.    It's something to savor.


Hubby really like is now.