Thursday, February 23, 2017


This is a Idea guide for the mad food scientist that is lurking in you.  :)     Gravy, sauces, filling what ever you call it their wonderfully easy and you can do so much with them.  Including inventing new fillings for pies. DIP anyone?  How about a quick tasty dessert?  Have a veggie dish that needs to be brightened up? Tried of sweet about about fell the burn with Jalapenos.   Here are some more recipe with using different fruits, berries and hot peppers for those who like the burn.

Let's the ideas start coming. :)

This is the basic recipe for all fruits and berries and experiments.
2 Tablespoons of butter. 
3 to 4 table spoons of flour
1 cup of fresh squeezed fruit juice or purred berries.  
Table spoons of water as needed.
Add sugar using your own judgement if the fresh squeeze juice is tart. 

Melt the butter in a pan on low. Watch it so it does not burn. Towards the end  I turn off the burner, lift the pan off the burner and swish it around.  Now add a tablespoon of flour at a time to the melted butter and mix in until it looks like little balls of dough.  

Do not heat up the fruit juice.  The pan will be hot enough to heat it up.   

Turn the pan with the butter dough to med high, and pour in a little bit of the juice.  Whisk awayNow it's going to look like it's not mixing together, but keep whisking until the mixture has the consistency of mash potatoes.  Yeah I know it sound weird.  But is soon as it looks like mash potatoes add your next pour of liquid.   Watch out it may spit and spatter.  
Whisk again and keep whisking until it look smooth and mash potato like. 

Now like I said above you are in control of the thickness of the gravy.   If you like super thick gravy stop.  If you like your gravy a little bit runnier add the water a tablespoon at a time this will not affect the flavor.

Oh no I add just a little bit too much water and it's too runny.  FIX:  Mix in a tablespoon of flour at a time until thickened.  ;)


2.  BERRIES: Blue berries, black berries, strawberries....etc.
      Mash or Puree. 





7.  CITRUS  Lime, orange, tangerine and lemon.
     Puree and strain juice out from pulp.


How about the HOT SIDE?  Like heat.

Try   Jalapeno, Serrano.... Habanero?  

For hot peppers I recommend you puree one pepper per 1 cup of water.   If you want to start a fire you can add more pepper to your 1 cup of water.  
Veggies any one?    All you have to do is puree it and try it.    :)    

TA TA FOR NOW.      

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Have some of the Ricotta cheese orange fruit filling left.   Here is a breakfast idea.  


1/2 cup of left over Ricotta Cheese Fruit filling.
1/2 cup of your favorite Granola.
Fresh sliced peaches, strawberries, blue berries.


Fill the bottom of a glass with two spoon fulls of Fruit filling, then add some fresh fruit and granola, then repeat until the cup is full.   You can make this as big or as small as you want. 

Make it your own. :)


 I have a middle eastern cook book and I've been eyeing this one dessert dish for some time.   It looks so yummy.   But I'm going to put my own spin on it. This is a very mild dessert.
  However I will provide the original recipe, because I'm going to be really altering it and you might not what to.
 If you have extra Orange Ricotta cheese filling please don't get rid of it.  I will be blogging about a simple breakfast idea.  ;)    

1 1/2 cup of Couscous.
2 1/4 cups boiling water.
1 cup butter ---------------------leave butter out
1 egg------------------------------leave out egg.
1 3/4 cups ricotta cheese-------only add 1/2 cup.
7 oz mozzarella cheese-------- Leave out.
1 1/2 clear honey--------------------- 1/2 cup
2-3 pinches of saffron----------- Add 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric
1/2 cups water-----------------leave out.
1 tsp orange flower water-----------optional.
6 tablespoons chopped Pistachios.
Additional ingredients:
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
Avocado.  Use a 1 large avocado.
 1 cup shredded coconut
Recipe for Orange gravy is provided below. 

You will nee a pie dish of any kind, round is good.

Put 1 1/2 cup couscous in a bowl, add 2 1/4 cups boiling water to it and let rest for 30 minutes.  Meanwhile cut the avocado in half and smash add 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and turmeric.    When the 30 minutes is up use a spoon to loosen up the couscous and add the avocado mixture to it.   Keep on mixing it in until it has a nice even light green color.
 Now divide the couscous in half and put 1/2 of it in the glass dish.  I used a glass apple pie dish and it work just fine.  Press the couscous down firmly into the pie dish and set a side.

SECOND: Recipe for Orange gravy filling.

Attention do not add the sugar until the gravy is done.
2 Tablespoons of butter. 
3 to 4 table spoons of flour
1 cup of fresh squeezed fruit juice. 
Tablespoons of water (as needed)
1/2 cup sugar

Melt the butter in a pan on low. Watch it so it does not burn. Towards the end  I turn off the burner, lift the pan off the burner and swish it around.  Now add a tablespoon of flour at a time to the melted butter and mix it in with a whisk until it forms little balls of dough.  Don't worry if they don't look perfect. 
Turn the pan with the butter dough to med high, and pour in a little bit of the juice.  Whisk awayNow it's going to look like it's not mixing together, but keep whisking until the mixture has the consistency of mash potatoes.  Yeah I know it sounds weird.  But as soon as it looks like mash potatoes add your next pour of liquid.   Watch out it may spit and spatter.  
Whisk again and keep whisking until it look smooth and mash potato like. 
The consistency should be thick creamy and a little gel like.  When you have the right consistency mix in the sugar.   

Now in a separate bowl add 1 cup of Orange gravy, 1 cup of ricotta cheese and 1/2 cup honey mix together.   Now add a generous layer of ricotta orange filling to the compressed couscous in the glass dish.

Next add the shredded coconut by sprinkling it over the top of the filling, until their is a nice layer. 

Now very carefully add the remaining couscous, using your finger to gently spread it out and make a layer over the coconut.  Do not press too hard, but press lightly. 

Chop the Pistachios with a large knife and sprinkle over the top of the Kadaif.  

Now in the main recipe is ask you to put this under the broiler at 200 degrees for 10 to 15 to create a crust.  My stove broiler is located at the bottom in a slot enough to fit a slice of toast.   uhg....  so not broiling the top of mine.   So if you have a broiler, broil away.   

Have fun with this one. ;)    I sure did.  yummmy.   This goes really well with coffee and tea.