Thursday, October 30, 2014



Have some bananas that are too over ripe to eat?  Please don't throw them out. Instead make a delicious treat called Tatale.  Quick and very easy to make, these yummy little treats are great for a snack, breakfast or lunch.

NOTE:  A really good (over ripe) banana should have lots of dark spots on the skin, in big patches or small speckles, this is pure sugar. The banana should also hold shape.   Do not use if it is passed over ripe.  


2 Very ripe bananas.
1/2 cup self rising flour
5 Tablespoons of chopped onion.
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg.
1 teaspoon chili garlic sauce (optional)
1 Egg
Peanut oil for frying.
And paper towel on a plat to drain your Tatale.

In a large bowl smash up the banana with a potato smasher really good. Next add the 5 tablespoons of onions, cinnamon, nutmeg, chili garlic sauce, and egg and mix well with a wooden spoon.  Next add the flour and mix well.  If the batter appears to be to dry add one tablespoon of milk.

SECOND:  Cook on Medium Low  
Now get a good size frying pan and add about as much oil that when you put your finger in the pan, it just make the very tip of your finger wet with oil.  Turn the stove top to Medium low, let the oil warm up and then add about a good tablespoon of batter to the oil.  Let it cook and as it bubbles it will turn nice and golden on the bottom.  Flip and cook the other side until golden.   Drain on papers towels. Turn the stove top down to low to cool the oil.  Keep in mind you are in control temperature, If the Tatale look a little too dark turn the stove top to a lower, taking too long, turn up a little. But do not go over Medium low.

These go good with maple syrup.


Saturday, October 18, 2014



Once you get the hang of how to make these, I assure you that these will be a family favorite.  And they really beat any thing you can find at the store.

2 1/2 cups flour.
3/4 cup warm water.
1 egg.
1/4 cup of olive oil.
Peanut oil for frying.
Parmesan Cheese  for sprinkling on top of warm crackers.
NOTE: Basically you can top these crackers with anything you want.  Tuna salad is really yummy or sprinkles with some hot sauce if you like yours a bit spicy.


Mix the olive oil into the flour and cut it in mixing it well. Next add the egg to the mixture and chop it in. Keep mixing until the flour has some what of a mealy course texture. Next add the warm water a little bit at a time to the flour mixture and keep working it in by cutting with the spoon.  Add a little bit more water and repeat until you get a really rough dough.
Now use your hand, sprinkle some flour over the dough and with push the dough down with your knuckles and then lift and fold the edges inward, repeat until the dough starts to hold shape.  Add a little sprinkle of flour when necessary. Knead for about 3 to 4 minutes.
The dough should be nice and smooth and soft and pliable.  If the dough is really dry add one table spoon of warm water. If the dough is really moist add one tablespoon of flour.
Put dough back in bowl and let rest for 20 minutes.

Cut the dough into fourths.  Leave on piece on the cutting board and cover the remaining so it does not dry out.  With the piece you have roll it out like your making a snake about 12 inches or more.
Then cut about 1 inch piece off the rope. And make sure their all about the same size.  If you feel the rope is too thin or too thick adjust the side when you make it again.  Now take on little piece and roll it out like another snake and then gently roll over that with the rolling pin.  Here the fun part. You know how a snail shell is spiraled, right. Take you snake and roll it until it looks like a snail shell and pinch it at the end to seal it.  Next dust the cutting board and lay the little snail spiral down and roll it out with the rolling pin.  Repeat with all the dough.  Do not stack they will stick to one another.  It better to have the oil hot and ready so as you make them you can fry them.  This dough will dry out really fast. Have a plate with paper towel ready to drain off the oil.

Heat the oil on high, and check it by adding a little bit of dough. When the dough starts to bubble it's ready. If the oil is too hot turn it down and then let it heat back up, so your cracker don't burn.
Put about three crackers in at a time and fry until golden brown, turn over to check each side. Once both side are light golden/ golden. Remove and drain and sprinkle with cheese. Repeat until all the crackers are done.  You can keep the oven on the lowest temperature to keep them warm.  After that eat.

Maybe you do not want to use all the dough at once.  Hold back one or two piece and wrap in wax paper then wrap in foil and freeze.   Ready to use it? Take the frozen dough out, unwrap and let thaw out for about a hour or a 1 and a 1/2.  Knead until the dough is pliable and their is not icy feel to the middle.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014



I love my piggy cookies.  There fun to make and really fun to eat.  And I the reason I think they're called piggy cookies well, because you can't stop eating them. This is a excellent recipe to make with kids. And it's so easy you can do it with your eye closed practically.

OVEN AT 400 for 10 to 12 minutes.  If the cookies are smaller, use less time and watch them. Larger maybe a little bit longer again watch them.

2 Cups All purpose flour
1 1/2 Teaspoons Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1/2 Cup packed dark brown Sugar
4 Teaspoons Baking Powder
2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1 Stick of butter cut in to chunks.  1 stick equals 4 oz or 1/2 cup.
1/3 Cup milk (Add one tablespoon at a time)
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract.

5 to 6 Table Spoons of Powdered Sugar
1 Teaspoon of vanilla extract.  Mix in very well.
Milk add one teaspoon at a time and stir until you get a thick past, then add one more teaspoon.  The mixture should be a tad runny, but still thick.


You will need a cookie cutter, if you have a piggy shaped cutter great, if not any will do.  I use a three inch round.  I like my piggy cookie big.  And you will need a cookie baking tray.

Mix really well the flour, baking powder, cocoa, and dark brown sugar in a large bowl.   Next add the chopped butter and time to get your hand into the mixtuer.  Squish the butter to incorporated it in.  So Squish, squish, squish until you can't find anything more to squish and the flour looks mealy.   Next add the teaspoon of vanilla extract to a tablespoon of milk and add to the flour. Mix in then add another table spoon of milk until the 1/3 of milk is gone.  The dough should be moist to dry, but not wet.   Trouble shooting. If the dough is too wet add a table spoon more flour. If the dough is too dry add a half of a tablespoon of milk.   Knead well.

Now on a very flour surface roll out the dough, but no a hard roll, just easy. The size and shape and thickness is up to you. No matter how you roll and cut it, it will work.  Just keep in mind you have to watch it.  The smaller some thing is the faster it will cook. The larger the longer.
Piggy cookies are kind of hard to tell when their done, because their already dark. Poke the cookie with a tooth pick to check if they are done.  And it's okay to take one out, cut it into four quarters and test it.    After they are done cooking cool all the cookies on a cookie rack. When they're cooled add the frosting on top with a pastry brush.  Add one layer, let dry then add another layer. You can add as many layers as you want.  And make sure you have some paper towel underneath the cookies, because the frosting will drip.

Enjoy with a cool glass of milk or hot coffee and tea.

Sunday, October 12, 2014



My hubby and I love homemade french fries. And if you want to get creative you can use, Red potatoes, Yukon Gold Potatoes, Yams, Sweet Potatoes or any type of starchy spud.  They will all have their own unique flavor and texture.  And their Awesome with hamburgers or hot dogs.

1/2 lb of potatoes. About 4 to 5 Potatoes.  Washed and Peeled or Unpeeled your choice.
Peanut oil.


Have a medium cooking pot ready, a large pan for frying & having metal prongs are handy for flipping over the fries and removing them from the oil.

NOTE: POINT TO PONDER.  Home made fires look and taste different than fast food and restaurant fries.  Why is that?  Well be cause in the food industry all the fries are fully cooked in different oils then frozen, before they are sent off to the different restaurants. When you get your fries, they are only being rewarmed by the oil and not cooked.  And some of the stuff they add to make you crave them.    If you still like them that ok, but be sure to give homemade a try.

Cut the potato into round disks a little smaller than the width of your fingernail. You should be able to cut off thin slices about 6 to 8 of them depending on the size of the potato. Then take the disk and lay them flat and cut them again 3 to 4 times until you have french fries.  Try to keep them all the same size, but it's totally ok if some of them look thinner or thicker.  And take into consideration on the size of your potatos, if it's bigger you will get more french fries, smaller less.

After all the potatoes are cut, put them into a medium pot with water and bring the water to a boil. Let boil for about 1 to 2 minutes.  Check the potatoes so they don't over cook.  When you test one take it out, put it on the cutting board, if a knife cut thought it easily with no crunch. Take them off the burner.   The fry should be able to hold together when you pick it up, if it falls apart it's over cooked.
Drain off the water in a separate pan to cool, then drain off as much water from the fries as you can.

Cover a cookie tray with paper towel or a clean dish rag and dump the fries on to the paper towel covering the cookie tray.  And gently dab the fries with paper towels trying to soak up as much water as possible.  Next again gently roll the fries off paper towel and on to the cookie tray, to remove more wetness. You can heat the oven on a low setting and leave the fries in the over for about 5 to 10 minutes.  Check them anyway.  When they look less damp then they were when you took them out of the water.  Now it's time to fry.

Note: Frying might take awhile. 
Note: If you already have a deep fryer, frying will be a lot easier.
Pour the peanut oil into a large pan so a little more than the tip of your finger is covered in oil.  Turn the stove top to high.  Add a small piece of fry to the oil, when the fry starts to bubble it's time to put in the first batch of fries.  Try to keep the fries all lose and evenly places across the pan so they don't crowd each other.  It's ok if one or two do.
Watch your fries, they will start to turn golden, when this happens they are done. Have paper towel ready to drain off the oil when their done.  Hot fries are so good.
NOTE: Another way to tell that they are done hold a raw fry back and as the fries cook take one out and compare it to the raw one. You'll be able to see the differents.

Grab your favorite dipping sauce and nom away.

Thursday, October 9, 2014



Well it was fun while it lasted.  And I do not regret  doing it, but my You Cam decided to die completely on me.  I do not have the means to fix it. So I will no longer be able to make any more videos.  However I will leave up the 246 videos that I made. If you want to see more of my recipes I will be adding more to my Blogger site and Google + site. 



This is a great recipe for either a  vegetarian or carnivore either way everybody will be happy.  And this is one of the recipes that freezes really well. So you can make a lot of it freeze it (don't forget to date it) and then in the case of food emergency wahlla dinner ready for a hungry family.
If you are a veggie person just leave out the meat.

Have a (about) 14 by 9 inch glass dish or casserole dish ready.

1 lb of meat.  Turkey, beef, pork, basically your choice.
2 Tablespoons of olive oil.
1 Large Onion chopped
4 cloves of garlic chopped.
1 Jalapeno chopped (optional)
1 Box of Jumbo Shells  Brand (Ronzoni) or 12 oz of shell.
32 oz of Ricotta Cheese
3 cans 8 oz of Tomato sauce.
1 can 12 oz Tomato paste.
15 oz can of Stewed Tomatos.
1 package of frozen or fresh spinach.
2 cups or 8 oz of shredded Mozzarella cheese.
1 Teaspoon of each your choice.  Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Cumin, Black Pepper, Basil.


Fill a pot with water. Turn stove top to high. As soon as you see little bubbles add the shells to the water.  Stir the shells to prevent from sticking together.  If need be turn down the burner to Med-High  the noodles will still cook.  Leaving the water on high the entire time will only make the water boil up and over.  The noodles will cook at Med-High, Medium, and even Medium Low.   Test the noodles along the way.  When you see white foam on top of the water, that is when their close to being done.  That is the starch coming out.
1. If  it's chewy, it's not done.   
2. If it's a little less chewy, but still not soft, it's still  not done.  
3. If  it is soft and not mushy, it's probably done.  

Turn off the burner and drain the hot water off in a separate bowl. Add cold water to the shells and leave until they are easy to handle. 
NEXT Putting shells together. First drain off the water. Next check out the shell their will be nice shell and mangled shells. Pick up a nice shell and double it up with a torn shell.  Have a plate out to set the shell on as you put them together.  So when your done you will have shells that are doubled up.  If their is any left over tear them up and put them on top of the finished food. Cover the shells up really well and set aside.

Chop the onions, garlic, and jalapenos. Place all in large pan and add two table spoons of olive oil.  Saute on Medium, stir occasionally  To help you keep track of when the mixture is done sauteing, hold back a piece of very white onion. As the onions cook they will turn translucent, as soon as this happens their done. KEEP the burner on Medium. Now you can add the meat.

NOTE: When handling meat always wash your hands and keep meat and veggies separated.
NOTE: If you want you can add about a cup full of soup broth to this mixture. It keeps it from drying out and sticking to the pan and adds flavor.
Chop chop chop keep chopping up the meat with a wooden spoon.
When you start to notice that their is less pink meat and more cooked meat. Break up bigger pieces into smaller pieces until all the pink is gone. Now when you start to see little to no pink raw meat, place a fitting lid in the pan and turn down to low and let simmer.  As it simmers their will be a lot of liquid in the pan, that fine. If it seems dry add a ladle full of broth.   The meat can cooking like this for 10 to 15 minutes longer if you want to be safe. And don't worry the meat will not dry out, because of the liquid.

Now after the meat is done cooking.  Very carefully push all the meat to one side of the pan.  Tilt the pan a little, so all the grease goes to one side. Scoop out the grease and put in a container. Let it cool then put in the freezer.  TIP:  Instead of tossing the fat the next time you cook meat, place the frozen meat juices in a pan and heat up and add to the new cooking meat.  Their is nothing wrong with this, it will just add more flavor.  This is in case you don't have soup broth.

Keep the meat warmed in the oven on low.

Open the tomato sauce, tomato paste, and stewed tomatoes and add to your pot and turn the stove to medium add a few spices if you like.  I like to add cinnamon and basil. Let this cook until it start to bubble, then turn down to low and simmer for about 5 minutes, stir occasionally.
Frozen:  For frozen I am going to have to recommend following the packaging instructions.
For Fresh:   10oz or a nice bundle.   Wash clean and dry.  Add a tablespoon or olive oil or butter to a pan.  Turn burner to Medium low. And cook until the spinach is wilted and darker in color. As soon as all the spinach is wilted it is done.

SEVENTH:  Grate your cheese, then mix the spinach, ricotta cheese and mozzarella together. 
Note: hold some Mozzarella Cheese back to sprinkle over the top of the shells and tomato sauce.

Now that every thing is cooked have everything placed in front of you so you can stuff the shells and place them in the glass dish.
1.Grab one of the shells. With a spoon scoop a tablespoon or more of meat into the shell.
2. Next scoop a tablespoon or more of Cheezy mixture on top of the meat and flatten it out.
3. As you fill each shell place the shell really close to each other until the whole glass dish is filled up.
4. If their is any left over shells or cheese mixture scatter on top of filled shells.
5.  Now pour tomato mixture over filled shells and sprinkle any extra grated cheese over the top.
Finally Set the oven to 375 and cook for 35 minutes or until the cheese is melted.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014



Every time you cook it's a opportunity to learn something anew, about the same recipe.   

Tortillas is a very good example of the above statement. It has very simple ingredients, yet if you use your imagination you can use anything to create endless combinations of the same thing with different textures and different out comes. Some people believe that you only have to have all the same ingredients to make tortillas. Nope!  Substitute milk for coconut milk, half and half, if your really low on milk half water and half milk, soup broth, condensed milk cut with water...and on and on.  I made a lot of different types. When you know how to create tortillas in so many ways you will soon discover that when money gets tight, you'll still be able to make your tortillas.  All these skills add up and help you get buy in the tight times.

When I started cooking for my self and my husband it was all trial and error. I was not the type to gravitate towards T.V cooking shows or rely on a certain cook book. I had no cook books. But what I did have is lot's and lot's of notes that I had collected over a long period of time.  From different ideas, yes some from magazines, some from cook books that I could not afford and others from the internet.  And when I mean trial and error I really mean trial and error.  Cooking from notes is a lot different than having the whole recipe in front of you.  It happened this way and I am really glad it did, it forced me to be more imaginative and really focus in on what I was making.  I am  highly detail oriented and notice the difference between things, and other subtle nuances.  Here is what I've learned and here is how to make the most of what you have. As prices go up and up, being creative in how you prepare your meals is paramount, because it is what get you from day to day, week to week, month to month and year to year.

You enter the shopping center or out door farmers market and all your thinking about is food and more food and oh look there's this and that.  But what you have to keep in mind ,is keep your shopping list simple and boring, yeah I now it's not exciting, but in the long run it will save you money. This is only an example you can change it to fit you life style any which way, so here is the trick.  Monday- Friday make very simple meals, nothing exciting, but still good. Then on Saturday and Sunday try something fun or different, save the special exciting meals for the week ends.  Learn how to maintain a pattern like this and in time you will see it does save you money. Now if you get distracted by fancy meal thought out the week, you know the one with the fancy names that only make enough food for two people and you end up spending $25.00 a plate. Your not going to be saving money.

The fastest way to drain your bank account is to eat out. You will not save money. If you have the income to do so great, but keep in mind if you add up all your receipt after one month of eating out and you can afford to buy a small car, your really wasting money, and your wreaking havok on your health.  Restaurants don't think about keeping you healthy, they stuff all their recipes with butter, eggs and rich sauces.  And if you drink, were talking calorie explosion.

Are you really saving money when you come home with 50 tubes of tooth paste. How is tooth paste  going to feed your family? Coupons trick us in to spending money else where. Consider this when your driving your vehicle to save money with your coupons,  add the price of the gas on to the items you purchased, it might be cents, but over time your losing money. Purchase things you can use for meals that you are going to make. If you purchase 50 cans of peas, but don't really like peas and don't use them, that's a waste.  I know people who buy just to buy.  This is all for now I might go deeper into this subject in another post. If your going to use coupons, use them on things your going to make with meals with.  To really utilize your coupons make sure you purchasing your items with in a reasonable distance from where you live.

 When your trying to figure out and plan a meals for the week, plan it to what you already have. If you plan it for things you don't have for instance like a new recipe with expensive ingredients, your going to find your self spending a lot more money and your fancy meal might only be enough for every one with no left overs. Utilize what you already have instead of going out and buying more food. Avoid recipes that have unique and specialized ingredients and stick to recipes that you know exactly what all the ingredients are and have on hand or know you can improvise. For example if it asks for carrots add another vegetables and so on.  Now I'm not trying to be a spoil sport, but save the special recipes for special times when you do have a little bit more money to play with.  If you rely on specialty recipes for all your meals, say good buy to your money, because it will go fast.

All of the recipes I provide can be mix with each other.
Here is an example.
1. DIRTY RICE:  Put between two tortillas with cheese, Add it to soup broth.
2. MANDARIN PANCAKES:  Go good with any type of left over meat, scrambled eggs, left over rice and veggies, tuna salad. Basically anything you can think of that sound yummy even the dirty rice
 the ideas are endless if it sounds good try it.   And keep in mind any stir fry you have left over can be turned into a soup.  All you have to do is heat up the broth and add the veggies. All ways think ahead, what can I do. Here is another thing that I do.  Lets use Dirty rice for an example when the meat and rice is done cooking do not mix it together, but rather dish it up in separate bowls and freeze it separate.  This way you can use if for another idea. I tend to dish up soup like this so, it leave the broth free for other stuff, gravy, using it to cook meat in. I am always thinking ahead and every thing is used up even if it's two spoon full of stir fry veggies from a dinner that can be make in to a soup with rice and broth.  This is why I advocate for saving leftovers, it really saves you money.  Another important thing too is learning how to treat your refrigerator and freezer like a moving conveyor belt, say what?  Yes a conveyor belt, if you find a why to keep thing organized, dated and utilizing what is at hand, this will save you money.  It takes a little practice and a little enginuity and once you find your own method you'll will start to see money being saved.